Ive been on a few international police web sites and they actually allow you to listen live to thier radios online. Would be good if WA could allow that. If they are in control it should be ok. And they can decide what chanels people listen to. If the cops wanted to do an operation it could be on a chanel not broadcasted to the internet. Would also rectify the problem towies are facing. They could have the net scanner on in their office listening in with thier dispatcher anouncing locations or calls for towies by police. Only main chanels should be online such as 8/47/34/46/48.
Seems all cars on ch 21/41 are on tadis now? Bravo for the officers now I say. Have MIG/TEG etc got them yet? I think the guys and girls in ROG's have them as well? EDIT: oops just read above on that full trial good good...
Can't hear 98% of the jobs on that channel now When the cars drift into ch 48/50 they get details via tadis as well so I'm guessing all the VKI panels now support it. Also heard the GPS? being used by VKI to direct a car in (I'm guessing VKI can see vehicle speed now?), I'm guessing the tadis screens in car don't have GPS software? Be a shame if they don't having to whip out the street book
Don't suppose you want to give us anymore info on what that system is capable of GC101?