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We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:25 pm
by red-bull
Let me raise a few topics,

I've been employed by Wilsons now for a few months and what a eye opener what goes on with the transport system here.
The PTA needs to spend MONEY, thats what it all boils down too, no arguments THERE!!
Yes, we should have the same powers or, similiar as Transit Officer's and a tougher criteria in joining the PTA. Transit Officer's work on the rail's Transperth Security guards work at the bus stations, ferries, and buses. Violence, drug affected and drunkeness is a daily occurence.

Many times I have taken large knives off people and metal poles and who are known to the Police as mentally challenged people or just plain criminals.

I'm sick of all these people saying, we got more power's then you, blah, blah, blah, we all do the same job mostly, that is to get paying passengers, from Point A to point B safely. Security work is a commonsense job, If a criminal, or mentally challenged person wants to travel on a bus, train, etc etc, fine let them, they have rights just as everyone else, but if they are carrying a weapon of some sought and we detain them, its for there own safety or the public's safety. Im sure the Police will argree with us here.

I have spoken to many bus driver's, members of the public and they have thanked me for being on a bus and what a difference it makes. I have been on a bus when no guards have been on there and what a warzone it is sometimes. I'm fed up of being bagged by people, and you know who you are!!!! about What Wilsons can do and cant do, I would blame the PTA or Government for not spending the $$$$ for people's safety.

As a Authorised Officer myself, If we ask a person there name, its not to pick on them or bully them, it is because they have done wrong, and on my course run by the PTA it is a offence if the person has not given there correct name. Unfortunetly, we do have to call the Police if someone has assaulted a guard, or if a major offence has occured and pull the Police off there front line jobs.

The Police do a fantastic job, as well as the Rail T'Os and as far as I can see Transperth Security do a fantastic job too, lets all work TOGETHER and clean up Perth's Transport System.

*time for a red-bull =D>

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:16 pm
by Zebedee

What you have posted is quite interesting. Unfortunately though, what you've said will make little to no progress on here, as there isn't anyone on here with any kind of influence to make the changes you advocated.

However, it does give food for thought.

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:12 pm
by singkenten
red-bull... were you at Future music?

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:39 pm
by red-bull
singkenten wrote:red-bull... were you at Future music?
NO!! why's that?

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:23 pm
by singkenten
coz ive always supported tranno's but the transperth guys at future were incredibly unproffesional... they had absolutely no ability to deal with the public! I believe 'box on' was their theme for the day...

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:20 am
by red-bull
singkenten wrote:coz ive always supported tranno's but the transperth guys at future were incredibly unproffesional... they had absolutely no ability to deal with the public! I believe 'box on' was their theme for the day...
well, I know there were only 4 guards on that day there, I know the 4 guys that were put on that day and they dont have that attitude at all.... [-X So sorry mate, your barking up the wrong tree, or just a very disgruntled person towards Transperth. Dont forget Train guards go around in 4 mostly, Transperth go around in 2 person's, Train Guards have backup at the next station, sometimes we have to deal with the situation for at least 10 minutes before our backup arrives.... If PTA spends more money in training us guards like the train guys.... GREAT!!!

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:48 am
by written_ficton
I'm going to bite here, why does PTA need to spend more money? They do a fantastic job of gettting around 400,000 + passengers to work every single day by Trains, Buses and Ferries. Although, I'd admit sometimes it is not the best mode of transport, but it would do.

I would suggest, if you have a problem on how you are paid take it up with Wilson? These are the guys that 'won' the contract and charged x rate per hour for you guys.

Actually, I always thought it was two Transit Officers, not four. That is what I have seens and dealt with in the past? There are a few Transit Officers here that could back me up?

BTW, They are TRANSIT OFFICERS, not guards

Re: We all do a good job! PTA need to spend $$$

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:07 am
by red-bull
written_ficton wrote:I'm going to bite here, why does PTA need to spend more money? They do a fantastic job of gettting around 400,000 + passengers to work every single day by Trains, Buses and Ferries. Although, I'd admit sometimes it is not the best mode of transport, but it would do.

I would suggest, if you have a problem on how you are paid take it up with Wilson? These are the guys that 'won' the contract and charged x rate per hour for you guys.

Actually, I always thought it was two Transit Officers, not four. That is what I have seens and dealt with in the past? There are a few Transit Officers here that could back me up?

BTW, They are TRANSIT OFFICERS, not guards

In all due respect, People bag transperth Security, Transit Guards do get more training then us.. Why cant the Government/PTA make it all one transport system and give Transperth Security the same powers as Transit Officer's?????? What it all boils down to is MONEY!!! I diffently dont have a problem with Wilson's I have a problem of people comparing Transit Officer's to Transperth when we do exactly the same Job but with less powers and less equipment. I love this line of work written_fiction and love helping people but cant help holding my tounge to people like you and only see one side and dont know what exactly what goes on.

Dont forget written-fiction Transperth are on the street's dealing with problems, Tranist Officers are on the trains only.
Transit Officers are just angry at Transperth because we nearly wear the same uniform and get far less training and we get put in the same role. Yes the PTA do a great job of getting people around that is not my grudge, My grudge is why spend money on training Transit Officers and not train transperth and make it one System, not Two systems.. One for trains, the other for Buses, ferries and busports. Wouldnt it be easier to make it one and work under the PTA as one. I know Transit Officers, and even the Police have thanked us many times for our help :-) So I guess we cant be that bad.

Anyway, Im up for a good debate anytime, im off to have a red-bull :P