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Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:39 am
by grizzla
Was interested in getting feedback on your thoughts about certain individuals who either hack into, or broadcast over (using stolen radios) security channels.
There is once again some numpty who is interferring with the Public Transport (PTA) security channels and is broadcasting himself at random intervals. Sometimes this individual broadcasts static or feedback but more often is calling for central monitoring cameras at certain locations. He is also cutting off genuine security chatter with his own laughter and obscene language. Would be great if someone could dob him in!
Your thoughts and ideas on curbing this behaviour? How has it been curtailed in the past? Does anyone know of individuals who have been caught and/or prosecuted for doing it?

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:11 am
by Fitzyyy
{Edited - No need to name names} got in trouble for sending fake maday calls and signing nursery rhymes on the Perth tower frequency ( and also was that on Transperth bus security (489.400) or on the transit gaurds frequency?

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:24 am
by written_ficton
I believe that where - ever you are your always going to have some "half piked walnuts" that want to cause a nuisence on the radio.

Sadly, its becoming a regular thing. We always usually have some nutter on the radios on Match days.

I just hope that they throw the book at them when caught!

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:08 am
by yorky
The way people have been caught in the past is simply by voice recognition by the public or if its a repeat offender (like our little numpty ATC/Sea Rescue so and so) its even easier to pick the voice, find the past news records and be able to make leads.

The last few days in only listening to FESA for an hour or so I've heard also what appears to be erroneous air traffic, which 6AR appears to purposely ignore (obviously you don't want to engage people like this). Usually constant pressing of the switch, and a 'different' sounding background than what you usually hear from well known radio types installed in appliances. Also the occasional rambling as well.

But yes grizzla which channel in particular is being broadcast on? The major issue is that its far too easy to to transmit on something you are not supposed to. There is usually no need to 'hack' in or steal a radio. Obviously I'm not going to go into detail on that subject.

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:21 am
by robbage
When you can buy a transceiver that can transmit on any freq from 136 to 174, or 400 to 480 for under $70, it's no surprise. And there's no cure for stupid. Fortunately we have smarter people with much better gear tracking them down.

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:12 pm
by grizzla
Well this idiot is still at it. He's even broadcasting himself and his mates and girlfriends having a party. They sound pretty young and he's disguising his voice (sounding like a beaver with its nuts in a vice). Hopefully he'll get bored and get a job or a life. Hopefully both. I guess he'll either get bored or he'll stuff up and mention something that can be followed up. Hope y'all had a great new year anyways.

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:45 pm
by Fitzyyy
What frequencies is he broadcasting on this time?

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:54 am
by offroada99
i can hear some guy soundin a bit dodgy and transmitting over people. i quote "youre like f**king MacGyver" and then he does disguise his voice sayin like a mayday call then the.. other person says "uh, i cant find you on camera"

Re: Hijacking the airwaves

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:56 am
by offroada99
that guy is on... 418.125