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Is this video real? Near train hit/miss

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:12 pm
by perthskies
Couple months ago I uploaded a video on YouTube from the Transperth Right Track website which appeared to be a commercial on their "Stay off the Tracks" campaign.

It is security footage of some bloke crossing the rails from one platform to the other and almost getting hit.

Is it real though?

And which station could it be?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:27 pm
by playworth

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:40 pm
by written_ficton
are you sure..... that doesnt look like subiaco train station from what I can see?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:34 pm
by Bonez
Holey heck, that video put the shivers up my spine.

+1 for Subi traino. I am pretty sure that it is Subi, because of the way the tunnel comes around and where the platforms are etc.

Btw, I noticed on the train today on my way home from work that there are some stickers on the windows, I had a laugh reading them.

They read something along the lines of

"Does scratching the windows while pretending to wave at someone make you feel good? Do your friends think you are a hero, or do you just hate the world in general? Just another Graffidiot."

It goes on to say something about how uncool it is to grafiti the trains and that some people have already been sent to jail for it.

There was another sticker on the window next to it saying something about "This is your train. It gets you to wherever you want to be. Graffi costs a lot of money to clean up, and this means we might have to increase fares"

Something along the lines of that anyway, but they were real to the point and hard hitting type notices, on clear stickers attached to the windows.

Bonez :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:55 pm
by Hodgie
yeah them clear stickers on the windows have been on buses and trains for a while now.

Re: Is this video real? Near train hit/miss

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:08 am
by auntys_eyes
perthskies wrote:...and almost getting hit.
Certainly looks real and having watched the video repatedly, it is not a "near miss". The offender (read idiot) is clearly struck as he is pulled up on to the platform. The train appears to clip his legs/feet at the last moment and flip him around 180 degs in a fraction of a second.
The two other people don't appear to be wearing PTA uniforms. They look more like a couple of bystanders.
My money is on Subi station as well. Can't think of another station with that tunnel/platform layout.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:17 pm
by Tyranus
Bonez I particularly like the poster

Even the toughest ones cry on their first night.

Or something to that effect. Haven't used public transport now for about a month! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:23 pm
by cat1
I've seen that video on you tube as well , the first time I saw it the two people on the platform were standing right at the edge of the platform, the second time I saw it they appeared at the end of the tape to haul the guy up? Ok maybe my display setting have changed or something?