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Re: shift comander and vki

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:24 pm
by htfuc
Ok...well we shall put this to bed then.....

As I am an employee of the PTA, I can tell you for a fact.....

CHUBB Revenue, Passenger Ticketing Assistants, Customer Service Assistants and Transit Officers all have the legal authority to ask you for details but only Transit Officers can detain you......

Which is what I stated 4 posts ago....

Re: shift comander and vki

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:15 pm
by Froggles
Thanks for the clarification htfuc - Glad to have a bit of an inside view :)

Re: shift comander and vki

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:16 am
by written_ficton
I wouldnt have guessed you worked there :mrgreen:

Always good to have a constructive point of view and a member of the PTA there, but from my perspective the customer service officers are there to increase awareness, really and what I think it should be a transit officers job or [revenue protection]

But at the end of the day neither the revenue protection or customer service officers have any laws to detain you and I question the right for them to ask for personal details like name & address [unless its a hot chick, 5ft 10" and blonde"

Re: shift comander and vki

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:50 am
by htfuc
From my perspective I agree...but it's the PTA and they believe they are holier than thou and can do whatever they want.

If they realised just what a goldmine their Transit Officer unit was in terms of how good it can be, as opposed to stifling it with against written law policies, I could guarantee a safer transport system. As the signature in my internal emails says, "We prefer a meaningless collective guilt, than a meaningful individual responsibility" and that is the PTA's mantra. Punish everyone (like children) instead of the individuals that caused the problem.
