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Information on scanners

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:48 am
by Gohie
Thinking of purchasing mibile scanner to moniter BFB channels in my location. Member of local brigade and wanted this option so I can follow incidence on way home from work in response to incidence. Any suggestions of models etc. greatly appreciated. I am very new at this.

Thank you in anticipation

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:59 pm
by JG-103
Hey Gohie welcome aboard.
If your looking to buy one shortly then u need to make sure it covers the fesa frequency range which is between 70-80(mghz ??? not sure but def between 70-80) have a look at the fesa frequencies for that.. but soon our radios will be goin VHF high band ( i dont know what the frequencies will be) so what you might be best of doing is waiting till we change over so then u know what the frequency range is and dont go buying a mobile scanner that wont cover the new frequencies when we change.

I dont have a mobile scanner so i cant point you in the right direction as to a good one to get.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:11 am
by Gohie
Thanks ,

Much appreciated. I will hang on until the change is made to (High VFH??). I have a copy on the current frequency of our brigade and Swan brigades at the moment.

Tanks once again.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:31 am
by Bonez
Almost every scanner on the market will cover VHF HIGH and most other bands that FESA would ever use.

There's not really any great need to wait, just don't buy a really cheap low end pile of crap, spend a little bit more and you won't regret it. The more you spend usually means the more bands you can access.
