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Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 4:49 pm
by JG-103
They link em in winter and de link em in summer, otherwise it is too hard to keep track of everyones movements when its busy ie in summer

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:24 pm
by Fastlane
JG-103 wrote:They link em in winter and de link em in summer, otherwise it is too hard to keep track of everyones movements when its busy ie in summer
They have not been delinked as yet. It's only done when busy and on the proviso they have the staff to do so... otherwise, they networks stay linked :)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:36 pm
by vk6hgr
Fastlane wrote: They have not been delinked as yet. It's only done when busy and on the proviso they have the staff to do so... otherwise, they networks stay linked :)
Interesting while listening because sometimes channel 25 appears to delink itself for a few minutes (can hear 6IP/6AR but not any mobile on 6AR) and then it comes good again. Very weird!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:23 pm
by eukanuba
as it's been said in previous posts, 6AR is FRS and 6IP is for the use of the bush fire brigades.

You'll never hear chatter on 6ar as you'd get a right bollocking for anything other than 'proper' radio communications.. it gets quite busy and you've got to be snap sharp otherwise you're hogging the station.. and there's always something more important happening..

As has been said previously, comcen link the 2 channels during the quieter months.. and 6ip is often quiet alot of the time unless there's a decent fire on.. but you'll find the 'style' of the calls from the BFB's alot more um.. 'relaxed'.. if you could call it that..

We were monitoring 55 just a few weeks back.. and heard a conversation from a station we'll keep nameless who said...

" Kirby St, that's Kilo, India, Romeo, Bravo, Y for yellow.. "

then the operator cut them short and said " Would you like to buy a Vowel ? "

You could almost hear the guy shrink as the whole of WA could hear him make a balls up.. and what's worse, he had already just given his station which made it worse.. everyone knew who it was..

That's got to be the funniest thing I've heard in along time..

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:50 pm
by Fastlane
eukanuba wrote:You'll never hear chatter on 6ar as you'd get a right bollocking for anything other than 'proper' radio communications.. it gets quite busy and you've got to be snap sharp otherwise you're hogging the station.. and there's always something more important happening..

As has been said previously, comcen link the 2 channels during the quieter months.. and 6ip is often quiet alot of the time unless there's a decent fire on.. but you'll find the 'style' of the calls from the BFB's alot more um.. 'relaxed'.. if you could call it that..
I think you'll find the old BFB comms procedures and guidelines were alot more strict and defined than the FRS ones ever were. The biggest problem in the past (and not completely gone yet) with the radio networks when linked and busy, were not people giving long sitreps but the stupid data transmissions over the 'voice' channels for the Fire & Rescue Vehicle Status Units.

Regardless, how helpful is it for one vollie to take the piss out of, or denigrate other volunteers? Have you never made a mistake?
(pssst, check your website!) :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:17 am
by eukanuba
Fastlane wrote:I think you'll find the old BFB comms procedures and guidelines were alot more strict and defined than the FRS ones ever were. The biggest problem in the past (and not completely gone yet) with the radio networks when linked and busy, were not people giving long sitreps but the stupid data transmissions over the 'voice' channels for the Fire & Rescue Vehicle Status Units.
Um, we don't hear that on our radio's - you only hear that on the scanners... and the VSU's are only supplied to career stations.. so there's nothing we can do about that :)
Fastlane wrote:Regardless, how helpful is it for one vollie to take the piss out of, or denigrate other volunteers? Have you never made a mistake?
(pssst, check your website!) :lol:
Now, I'm not taking it personal - or having a go, but can you point me to where I've taken the piss out of a volunteer on the website - and I'll gladly remove it..

We don't make mistakes because we train so much, if we make a mistake - someone could most likely die, and that's just not acceptable - volunteer or not, no one should accept poor firemanship.

Just today, I was at the incident for the fire at the nursery where the machinery caught on fire.. luckily, there was no one inside the shed.. but doing T/A's and Search and Rescue's is not much fun.. I'd prefer to be out putting the bush out.. much more fun ! :)

Cutting people from vehicles is little glamour, and going into a burning building conjures thoughts of anything but a little fear..
Searching walls with the back of your knuckles while doing the sweep with your boots.. in pitch black darkness and smoke.. listening for the sounds of a person or child..

I'd say that my time in the BFS was alot more 'cruisey' than the FRS, but it's a heck of a rush when you do deliver the gold.. makes it all worth it..

( but that's just my opinion - your milage may vary, may contain traces of peanuts, do not operate heavy machinery, consult a doctor if pain persists.. )

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:24 am
by Fastlane
eukanuba wrote:Um, we don't hear that on our radio's - you only hear that on the scanners... and the VSU's are only supplied to career stations.. so there's nothing we can do about that :)
You might not hear it on your radio, but it interferes with voice communications and often goes straight over the top of people.
eukanuba wrote:Now, I'm not taking it personal - or having a go, but can you point me to where I've taken the piss out of a volunteer on the website - and I'll gladly remove it..
Your previous post was, not your website - however, you might like to check your HTML under the "Roll Call" page :D
eukanuba wrote:We don't make mistakes because we train so much, if we make a mistake - someone could most likely die, and that's just not acceptable - volunteer or not, no one should accept poor firemanship.
You don't make mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes - the only problem comes when you cant admit that you do. We are, regardless of the amount of training we may do, all human after all.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:48 am
by eukanuba
Fastlane wrote:Your previous post was, not your website - however, you might like to check your HTML under the "Roll Call" page :D
Considering I've been a member of both the bush and fire and rescue services for a number of years, I've noticed that the comm's side of some of the rural brigades is a little 'yeah, she'll be right mate - thank your mum for the rabbit's robbo'...

I'm not taking the piss, I'm commenting first hand - being on the mic personally.. it was a big step for me coming from bush to frs.. alot to learn and remember.

As for me taking the mick on the members, if you knew us - you'd know that that's a pretty tame description.. we regularly rip into each other.. if you aint tough, you'll not last long.. but it's all in good fun !
Fastlane wrote:You don't make mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes - the only problem comes when you cant admit that you do. We are, regardless of the amount of training we may do, all human after all.
Yeah, I probably do make mistakes - you never do everything right 100% of the time - but then again, to my credit no one's ever died through my lack of training...

If they die on the way to hospital, that's a different story - I've done my job the best I can.. and I don't think about it anymore than I have to..

The problem comes when you make mistakes and think that your mistakes are more severe than they really are.. sometimes a 'mistake' is not really a mistake - but a reaction to a situation.. or a lack of training.

Learn, move on - and don't do it again. :?

6ip vs 6ar

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:45 pm
by rich
I am a volunteer firefighter and the difference between 6ip and 6ar is that 6ar is for the paid fire brigades(frs) and 6ip is for the volunteer bush fire and volunteer frs this is so that the commcentre can distinguish between wether it is frs or volunteer brigades calling in so they know who they are sending to an incident.

Re: 6ip vs 6ar

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:53 pm
by chrissss
rich wrote:I am a volunteer firefighter and the difference between 6ip and 6ar is that 6ar is for the paid fire brigades(frs) and 6ip is for the volunteer bush fire and volunteer frs this is so that the commcentre can distinguish between wether it is frs or volunteer brigades calling in so they know who they are sending to an incident. :lol: :lol:

Re: 6ip vs 6ar

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:26 pm
by eukanuba
rich wrote:I am a volunteer firefighter and the difference between 6ip and 6ar is that 6ar is for the paid fire brigades(frs) and 6ip is for the volunteer bush fire and volunteer frs this is so that the commcentre can distinguish between wether it is frs or volunteer brigades calling in so they know who they are sending to an incident.
So only paid guys can be FRS ?

I don't recall them in the past discriminating who they sent to a fire, it's based on your station model, equipment and availability.. not your paid / unpaid status..


Guess I'll log in with 6ip next time I'm off station..

hey chrissss, didn't I get your 3.4 last night at that incident with the hose reel ? :)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:39 pm
From a fellow volunteer F&RS member ( a Captain): Career and Volunteer F&RS brigades use 6AR, VBFS use 6IP.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:33 pm
by Fastlane
WPXZBP wrote:From a fellow volunteer F&RS member ( a Captain): Career and Volunteer F&RS brigades use 6AR, VBFS use 6IP.
.. sorta. The general rule as given in SOP 8 is:

- Appliances from the brigade are to mobilise on the assigned channel below:
-- Inside the gazetted Metro Fire District - 6AR
-- Outside the gazetted Metro Fire District - 6IP

So, it pretty much depends where you are going! Particularly important when the channels are split, as the operator on 6AR doesnt have the incidents running on 6IP on their screen (and vice versa).

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:10 pm
by JG-103
Yeah u did chris and u got me in the face!!! lol . ABout this vol FRS being on 6ip, i can tell u that vol FRS use 6AR and com cen responds and calls them using 6AR ( 6AR to Kwinana) Im sure both chris' will back me up. Vol bushies use respond to 6ip and all FRS respond to 6AR.
don't recall them in the past discriminating who they sent to a fire

Look at the leda fire, the fesa guys didnt want the bushies there, another example is the hills fire, the majority of vehicles were FRS. When ever hope valley goes to a bushfire and calls a 3rd alarm, only FRS brigades get called unless if they say they need bushies or our 7.2.

Its crap, FRS only have the one vehicle able to go into the bush, u go to these fires and u have 3 or 4 med pumpers on the side off the road cause they cant do any thing. FRS shouldnt do bush fires if they have a local bush fire brigade.

Example hope valley and Mandogalup. Hope Valley might be at a bush fire, and there is a house fire in their area, 6ar will send rockingham 1st or success to the house fire, it takes rockingham first approx 8-10 mins to get to hope valley, in that time the house could be half gutted. Now if Mandogalup had been sent to the bush fire instead, hope valley would have gotten to the house fire in a minute or two at most, preventing the house being half gutted. (This hasnt happened i dont have anything against hope valley or rockingham or success) But because our old area is now classified as a FRS area, if there is no local frs brigades able to go to that bushfire, they'll get Perth 2nd if they have to to go to it before they send out any bushfire brigade. Its stupid.

Conclusion- leave the bushfires to the bushfire brigades or at least give the frs vehicles capable of going into the bush like 2.4 urban or something

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:11 pm
by JG-103
sorry, that quote isnt a quote