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Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:13 pm
by singkenten ... 61,00.html

FRS got theirs without too much effort... hopefully WAPOLS industrial action does not have to go to much further before they get their 15%...

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:41 pm
by observer
singkenten wrote:FRS got theirs without too much effort
Not from what I have heard.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:23 pm
by Sinbin
observer wrote:
singkenten wrote:FRS got theirs without too much effort
Not from what I have heard.

FRS took 18 months to get their payrise. hope it doesnt take that long for wapol to get theirs.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 7:14 pm
by singkenten
sorry. I was attempting to be sarcastic which obviously I didnt convey too clearly... It's interesting to see though how a number of FRS 'quietly' believe that WAPOL should have received theirs first. FRS have been in a tough position too, with it obviously been difficult to take industrial action without comprimising public safety. All FRS have been able to do is not complete in-station training and limit paperwork completion, hopefully WAPOL's ability to take firm action will help them get what they deserve!

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:00 pm
by woobla1
singkenten wrote:sorry. I was attempting to be sarcastic which obviously I didnt convey too clearly... It's interesting to see though how a number of FRS 'quietly' believe that WAPOL should have received theirs first. FRS have been in a tough position too, with it obviously been difficult to take industrial action without comprimising public safety. All FRS have been able to do is not complete in-station training and limit paperwork completion, hopefully WAPOL's ability to take firm action will help them get what they deserve!

and the problem with the fireys, and ambo's is that there is an extensive network of volunteers that would love to walk in and play professional for a while. Where as the POL ice have no one, thus are in a better barganing position. Plus security of ones person and property is more important than first aid. So wapol are naturally in a better position over the other services.

and the government may realise this, and I am sure they have from day one said yes we are going to accept their 15% pay rise in one of the cabinet meetings. But they will play hard ball for months, and battle it out, all the while seeming to resist the urge to give in to the pay rise, but then eventually they will concede. Why? Because if the government doesn't fight tooth and nail for ever % increase then all the other groups, or police will again in the future know straight away they have a weak government and will ask for more :P. Sorry I hope that made sense, I just felt like typing a lot :D.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:04 pm
woobla1 wrote:and the problem with the fireys, and ambo's is that there is an extensive network of volunteers that would love to walk in and play professional for a while.
Volunteers are all professional... just not paid to be so.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:59 pm
by Bonez
WPXZBP wrote:
woobla1 wrote:and the problem with the fireys, and ambo's is that there is an extensive network of volunteers that would love to walk in and play professional for a while.
Volunteers are all professional... just not paid to be so.
Except the wally from Mundaring who recently got done for lighting a load of fires... :evil:

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:33 pm
by woobla1
WPXZBP wrote: Volunteers are all professional... just not paid to be so.
Now now lets not play on words. You know what I meant.

I saw a police car today parked in front of a multinova with lights going, warning people. Oh the fun and games that will be happening over the next few months.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:03 am
by nra555
woobla1 wrote:
WPXZBP wrote: Volunteers are all professional... just not paid to be so.
Now now lets not play on words. You know what I meant.

I saw a police car today parked in front of a multinova with lights going, warning people. Oh the fun and games that will be happening over the next few months.
It still slows people down doesn't it?

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:38 am
by dazla
Hey, someone has to make sure the camera operators are ok........

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 3:32 am
by Bonez
Yeah, it will save them getting bashed and the camera's smashed up :roll:

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:01 pm
by donks
Also can't argue with the extensive vehicle checks officers are doing!. They have to make sure their vehicles are in good condition! good on them! =D>

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:45 pm
by Bungarra
The police deserve the pay rise along with the other emergency services. The only reason Grant Dorrington whinges is because he guts a percentage of the fines to fund his useless department that hasn't come up with any real new answers to road safety. His let's "lower the speed limit" rant is old hat, given most countries in the OECD have increased speed limits and the government whinge as they don't get the revenue. WAPol are just doing an old style active presence campaign which does slow people down and if you are pulled over and given a caution isn't the road safety message getting through? So the government should give them the pay rise...(doubt of the pollies will not get a nice 7.5% pay rise just for this year) and let WAPol get on with the good job they are doing.

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:10 pm
by singkenten
8% over 2 years... sounds good! I think the most promising part will be that the next 'pay dispute' will happen just before the next election, in what will hopefully be better economic times!

At least now Grant Dorrington can go back to doing nothing...

Re: Underpaid...

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:25 pm
by trent
You'll be surprised what he does do, considering it's an unpaid position.