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Police Officer Cleared

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:18 pm
by jasonjag
I disagree with the Courts and DPP of Acqitting a Police officer who shot at close range 4 times in the chest of the Victim who suffered with bipolar, who stabbed the officer in the arm with a knife, surely the 2 officers could have disarmed him by use of other methods. Ch 10 news.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:32 pm
by playworth
back up was what 5mins away..

is other officer was in the pool.

read the story or i mean read the fact right.:)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:08 pm
by Toottoot
I agree JJ, also they should have listened to his dad and got his dad to help to at least try and settle him down. That poor boy.

Guns are evil.


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:16 pm
by jasonjag
[quote="Toottoot"]I agree JJ, also they should have listened to his dad and got his dad to help to at least try and settle him down. That poor boy.

Guns are evil.[/quote]

Even so, Toottoot is right, guns are evil, but if the officer had fired one, would that not have been enough to slow the victim down, and another view, couldnt the officer move back or away until support arrived, to me he just went in blazing away like in the movies, I feel so sorry for the family and the poor victim. no I do not know the concequences leeding up to it, but my view is still the same.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:12 pm
by woobla1
I guess it doesn't really matter what we say because we weren't in their shoes and weren't at the incident we can only go on what we are fed via the commercial 'news' or choose to research via austlii or other legal databases.

It doesn't matter if he had bipolar or a cheeseburger the cop had lost his partner in a pool and was stabbed. Obviously the perp wasn's listening to calm reason like you suggest through his father because the officer wouldn't be in the pool and or stabbed.

Lacking a Taser and fearing for their life leads to one outcome unfortunately this was it.

The situation was obviously warranted and correct as he would not be aquitted if a grouping of his 'peers' in the community did not think so. We are not qualified to pass judgement only form our opinions on small snippets of information we receive. A jury/ prosecutor/ Judge are in a better position to decide the legalitlies and justification of this incident and we now have the answer.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:13 pm
by bomber
goota agree with woobla,

until you are in the situation its very hard to pass judgement on what i am sure was a split second decision for the officer

Agree with the decision

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:31 pm
by Genesis
I agree with the decision of the courts. It is easy to say what yu would do when you look at something from the outside, but try actually being there on the inside. I bet his traiing all became first class distiction based on exactly what his training taught him to do.

Good on the officer for doing his job properly, though I do have extreme empathy for the family of the deceased. I'm sure the officer instinctively saved his own life as he is trained to do.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:34 pm
by Toottoot
woobla1 wrote:I guess it doesn't really matter what we say because we weren't in their shoes and weren't at the incident we can only go on what we are fed via the commercial 'news' or choose to research via austlii or other legal databases.

It doesn't matter if he had bipolar or a cheeseburger the cop had lost his partner in a pool and was stabbed. Obviously the perp wasn's listening to calm reason like you suggest through his father because the officer wouldn't be in the pool and or stabbed.

Lacking a Taser and fearing for their life leads to one outcome unfortunately this was it.

The situation was obviously warranted and correct as he would not be aquitted if a grouping of his 'peers' in the community did not think so. We are not qualified to pass judgement only form our opinions on small snippets of information we receive. A jury/ prosecutor/ Judge are in a better position to decide the legalitlies and justification of this incident and we now have the answer.
His father wasn't consulted. From what I understand of the situation he was brushed aside, when he could have helped calm him down perhaps.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:45 pm
by woobla1
Toottoot wrote:
woobla1 wrote:I guess it doesn't really matter what we say because we weren't in their shoes and weren't at the incident we can only go on what we are fed via the commercial 'news' or choose to research via austlii or other legal databases.

It doesn't matter if he had bipolar or a cheeseburger the cop had lost his partner in a pool and was stabbed. Obviously the perp wasn's listening to calm reason like you suggest through his father because the officer wouldn't be in the pool and or stabbed.

Lacking a Taser and fearing for their life leads to one outcome unfortunately this was it.

The situation was obviously warranted and correct as he would not be aquitted if a grouping of his 'peers' in the community did not think so. We are not qualified to pass judgement only form our opinions on small snippets of information we receive. A jury/ prosecutor/ Judge are in a better position to decide the legalitlies and justification of this incident and we now have the answer.
His father wasn't consulted. From what I understand of the situation he was brushed aside, when he could have helped calm him down perhaps.
Well from your past comments you seem to be more 'well informed' than the rest of us. All I ask is were you at this location and did you witness it? or were you on the jury, or at the trial?. If the answer is no then I don't think you have a right to pass on such a well 'informed' guaranteed first person view that you have subsequently read in the media or watched on television.

We can speculate all we want. But none of us were there (that I know of). And if you were then my apologies.

as for the second part of your comments about the father who knows what was consulted of him? but then again people/ officers have been killed around the world for believing what people tell them. If they say its not a real gun its a rubber gun yet then they get shot with it?. They cannot risk their lives and must assume the worst. I don't know what happened and maybe they should have talked to someone first etc.. and then that would be some breach of 'training' not the law. When events transpired into violence then the actions of what happened can be judged. And have been.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:25 pm
Before this debate moves any further it is important to note:

The police officer/s WERE NOT ACQUITTED. To be be acquitted of something means you were CHARGED with something. In this case this did not happen.

What has just happened is a coronial inquest that found the officers were JUSTIFIED AND EXCUSED by law in taking the action they did. The Coroners Court does not have the authority to make findings of guilt or innocence, it is effectively a review body that has the legal authority to give a cause of death.

Even if the coroner determined they acted innapropriately he can only refer it to the DPP who will then decide whether to instigate charges.

So before we all go firing off with 20/20 hindsight lets get our research down pat please before you present your opinions (largely uninformed).

I am not one to stifle or enter into debate but it is embarrassing to read arguments that are factually flawed and rely on "I heard it from my doctors, dentists, uncle's sick dog.........."

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:43 pm
by Tyranus
CHEV4EVR wrote:Before this debate moves any further it is important to note:

The police officer/s WERE NOT ACQUITTED. To be be acquitted of something means you were CHARGED with something. In this case this did not happen.

What has just happened is a coronial inquest that found the officers were JUSTIFIED AND EXCUSED by law in taking the action they did. The Coroners Court does not have the authority to make findings of guilt or innocence, it is effectively a review body that has the legal authority to give a cause of death.

Even if the coroner determined they acted innapropriately he can only refer it to the DPP who will then decide whether to instigate charges.

So before we all go firing off with 20/20 hindsight lets get our research down pat please before you present your opinions (largely uninformed).

I am not one to stifle or enter into debate but it is embarrassing to read arguments that are factually flawed and rely on "I heard it from my doctors, dentists, uncle's sick dog.........."
Ooo learnt something today. Thanks Chev interesting reading there. Good to hear that it has all been ruled in favour of the officer's in question. while I do empathise with the family, I trust that the officers did all they could to prevent it.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:51 pm
by Toottoot
Tyranus wrote:I trust that the officers did all they could to prevent it.
Like denying a dying man access to a doctor who was waiting at the gate asking to be let in?????????

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:02 am
by Tyranus
Didn't know there was a doctor there, my memory is good but not that good. But then I still don't know if there was a doctor there or if that was made up to make the officer look bad.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:49 am
by Luke
Should have given him a shot with a taser.
They shouldnt have shot the poor guy. WAPOL needs improvement on managing those situations

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by Tyranus
I'm pretty sure that was the reason he used his gun, at that point not every officer had a taser. I don't think there are many officers that want to shoot anyone with their service pistol.