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What does Priority 2 mean?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:09 pm
by SteveNSWP
Hey all,

Im a Police Officer in NSW and was listening to some of the recorded Police pursuits in WA. They are called the same as ours except they referred to cars having Priority 2 and were requesting cars with priority 2 driver's. What exactly does this mean. What are the priorities and what are they used for? Im assuming their driver classifications???

In NSW, when we engage in pursuit we give our vehicle category and driver classification. Our classifications are colour coded, bronze, silver and gold.

Thanks all.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:59 pm
by yorky
Interesting thanks for the insight, and have a look at this thread I think it covers your question: ... t=priority

Basically yes we have Priority 2 which most (if not all) officers are trained to do, then theres Priority 1 and Priority Pursuit class drivers above that.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:34 pm
by SteveNSWP
Thanks heaps that answers it.

When we engage in pursuits or on urgent duty, we have no limits on the speed we can do. When a P1 or P2 job is called, we advise radio our response code, i.e. Code Red (Urgent Response) or Code Blue (Normal Response). They have no authority to tell us which code to drive at, its upto the driver. They can request us to drop back to code blue or jump up to code red, but the decision rest with the driver. Only a supervisor, duty officer, can order us to alter our response code.

When in pursuit, we give vehcile catagory

Cat 1: Any fully marked police sedan (GD's and Hwy (V8's)
Cat 2: Unmarked sedan with roof mounted light
Cat 3: Unmarked sedans without roof light, Dog unit (utes), utilities, station wagons, motorcycles.
Cat 4: 4wd and caged trucks (not allowed to purue under any circumstances)

Cat 1 overrides cat 2, cat 2 overrides cat 3 and so forth, so when a higher cat vehicle joins the pursuit, it takes primary and the other goes secondary. There are no speed limits with our pursuit driving. We also give our classification ie bronze, silver, gold and then give our drinving experience, i.e 10 years driving experience. Whe then give them how many years police driving and how many years civilian. this gives radio a hint of the experience of the driver. Bronza cannot engage on urgent duty of pursuits.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:10 am
by yorky
Wow thats pretty easy over there. Pretty much here if a car is being chased its currently piss easy for them to loose police as soon as they either go faster than 'P1/PP' speeds or go on the wrong side of the road or turn there lights off at night its aborted by the operator/radio supervisor.

Actually have a look at this: which was just on recently that they need to be able to pursue longer.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:00 pm
by SteveNSWP
Here generally traffic is the main factor. If its high speed during medium to heavy traffic it would be terminated. Same if they go onto the wrong side of the road in medium to high traffic it would probably be self terminated here. If light or nil traffic it would still continue.


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:27 pm
by yorky
SteveNSWP wrote: it would be terminated
And most likely literally as well I would image :shock:

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:58 pm
by PD224
yorky wrote:
SteveNSWP wrote: it would be terminated
And most likely literally as well I would image :shock:
:lol: :lol: If your stupid enough to go on the wrong side in peak hour, then you deserve it. But in most cases it's the crim who walks away not the innocent person they crash into.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:44 pm
by Lucas_arts_182
we need more power posts for the barstards to crash into, it is a bit of a shame they make these changes as soon as they go digital ..... :(
it needed to be done ages ago , too many 30 second long pursuites if you ask me