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Armed Offender at Oats Street Train Station - Last Night

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:26 am
by gkoutlis
Last night at about 10pm-ish - a UQ car called for Urgent backup to the Oats Street Train Station in Carslile for a male POI with a Shot Gun...

From my understanding, the UQ car was on Channel 34 by mistake - when he called urgent - hence QO-303 or 304 (TRG) was Dispatched P2 to get there.

When finally the UQ called on VKI on Channel8 - VKI had no idea what was going on or anything, QO- called VKI telling him they were P2 to the Train Station to assist the UQ car. - JK-402 (detectives) called up VKI asking why they wern't told about it - so it all seems like an accident on transmitting on the wrong channel....

Good news, one male POI in custody and one confirmed - Shot Gun also in custody.... QO - later disregarded....