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316 Gillmore x Dixon

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:10 am
by Aztech
215 Just Heard
Gillmore Ave X of Dixon.

Not Sounding Good.
Media Release has asked cars to avoid area.
Traffic Being Diverted Down Day Road.

AV 208 (coming from murdoch p2)
AV 251 (coming from freo crash base p2)

Hopefully not another 316....

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:37 am
by Donga
Any updates on this?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:56 am
by Millsy
Chaplen has been called.
MRD has been called.
Sounded like Rescue 65 was also in the background.
Car vs Motobike.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:22 am
by Aztech
Confirmed 316

Contractor Has been Called

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:21 pm
by JG-103
Its turned out to be a bad year for 16's and the year isnt even over yet!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:49 pm
by Walks
We all know that road deaths can be avoided, but I would like to see the percentages of those killed each year compared to total road users. This year looks like being a 'bad' year for road deaths.....but would the percentage be lower overall?

Something to think about.


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:18 pm
by dave
WA fatalities in road crashes has risen just under 21% from last year.......anyone know what % road users have increased this year?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:01 pm
by Tom
When will young people learn? Think of the grief it causes on the families.

Maybe they state Government should look at enforcing compulsory 'fully-comp' insurance for under 23 year olds which they must carry with them at all times and having insurance premiums dramatically increase for them so basically none of them could afford to insure a high-powered car.

The bigger picture here is that the more young people that are killed on our roads it shifts focus onto ALL road users both young and old.

I'm 27 and I like a few members on here drive a high-powered car and I like to enjoy the 190kw donk it's got under the bonnet, it just annoys me that sections like TEG's have this zero tolerance policy with regards to speeding and I will always be of the opinion that a few kms over the limit is better than some P plater hoon doing 40km/h + over the limit.

If it wasn't for the increase in road fatalites would TEG's be expanding like they are in the process of now....

I hope this makes sense, if you read between the lines you'll see the point I'm trying to make.

I don't encourage speeding either. Danny it's not aimed at you either.

After being back home for a week, I can categorically (there you go hitman :evil: ) that some of WA don't deserve to hold a licence, some people are total wankers and don't deserve to hold one. Hogging the right-land and not doing the speed-limit is my biggest pet hate. People just drive in the right land for the heck of it at 1am! The standard of driving here is non-existent.

Unless the Goverments gets tough on young drivers or I can only see the carnage continuing.

Feel free to agree or disagree I've got broad shoulders.


Tom and Collins dictionary

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:21 pm
by Fozzy
Its not actually illegal to drive in the right lane for an extended period of time if the speed limit is under 90 kph.

I also think you are generalising a little... Not all P platers are hoons.. Some people that are off their P plates are just as bad if not WORSE!

Im not a P plater and I havent been for quite a few years.

I do however agree the standard of perth drivers is up the shit. It seems to also be getting worse.. What do we blame?

Bad roads systems? Lack of Police to perform Traffic duties? Poor driver training or simpily lack of driving instruction?

I dont think taking performance cars away from P plate drivers will achieve anything.. The reality of it is if you give any car to a kid that makes some bad decisions or doesnt understand how to control a car it becomes a weapon and a very deadly one at that!

An hyundai excel can still do 140-160 kph and its quite possible its more dangerous to do those speeds in an excel than say a high powered car thats built to go fast...

I dont think we will ever find the answer to stop 316's completly. As long as there is a human behind ther wheel of a car there will be deaths.

Human error and poor judgement is what causes 90% of accidents you will never take the stupid out of people young or old

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:33 pm
by danny
Tom wrote: I'm 27 and I like a few members on here drive a high-powered car and I like to enjoy the 190kw donk it's got under the bonnet, it just annoys me that sections like TEG's have this zero tolerance policy with regards to speeding and I will always be of the opinion that a few kms over the limit is better than some P plater hoon doing 40km/h + over the limit.

If it wasn't for the increase in road fatalites would TEG's be expanding like they are in the process of now....

I don't encourage speeding either. Danny it's not aimed at you either.
No offence taken

Didnt someone once say here that a TEG's Officer would book his own mum.....well its not true, but all other relatives are fair game hehe :twisted:

As with all aspects of Police work, some tolerance is given and in regards to speeding, traffic cops have a tolerance level and anything above that level gets a ticket...

As for "how to stop 316's", unfortunatly there a way of life, we can only hope that when someone gets behind the wheel of a car, bike, truck etc, that they treat the vehicle and other road users with the respect it deserves.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:27 am
by Chicky
Fozzy wrote:I dont think taking performance cars away from P plate drivers will achieve anything.. The reality of it is if you give any car to a kid that makes some bad decisions or doesnt understand how to control a car it becomes a weapon and a very deadly one at that!

An hyundai excel can still do 140-160 kph and its quite possible its more dangerous to do those speeds in an excel than say a high powered car thats built to go fast...
I agree with that - I saw on Friday a P plater in a Ford Festiva (with a passenger and 'baby on board' sign blitzing through traffic - e.g. swerving in and out of lanes, not even looking correctly in the blind spot.).. all so he could get to the front of the traffic lights and floor it from there. It didn't do him any good - we kept meeting up with him at each set of lights for about 8 kms.

I couldn't tell if there was a baby in the car as he had those window sox on the rear window...but if there was it disturbs me that this irrational driving could be the cause of some concern. So what is the answer? Dunno! :?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:08 pm
by Aztech
I think it shoul be COMPULSORY for Insurance for Teens.
None of this "Lets put it in mums name and pay $100 a year"

I for one, have a New 04 Commodore, and got it when I turned 18.
I usually get critisised heaps by people, ohhh an 18 year old shouldnt have a new car, BUT - I drive very carefully, as I know a) If I crash I have about $2000 in exsess to pay and b) its like loading a gun everytime u get into a car. 99% of people would FREAK if you handed them a loaded gun, yet, what they fail to see is EACH time they get into their car, they are loading a gun, with the potential to kill.

Also with regards to Drink Driving, MAKE these people understand, IF YOU drink n Drive + Crash. U have NO INSURANCE. if i've even had a wiff of booze, i wont go NEAR my car... Its just TOOO RISKY.... especailly since we are limited to .02


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:42 pm
by Chicky
Sounds like you have your head screwed on properly, Aztech! Good work :) I can't say I know any younger people who think like that...except Millsy of course :P

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:05 pm
by Millsy
Chicky wrote:Sounds like you have your head screwed on properly, Aztech! Good work :) I can't say I know any younger people who think like that...except Millsy of course :P
lol :lol: me and azza go out cruising all the while. And i can and will vouch that he IS a good driver!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:20 pm
by Zebedee
Aztech wrote:I think it shoul be COMPULSORY for Insurance for Teens.
Why? Wouldn't it be better to make insurance compulsory full stop? At least third party - if you don't want to insure your own car well that's your fault, but why should someone else be out of pocket?

Just a thought ...