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Police Remembrance Day

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:51 pm
by singkenten
This is getting around on quite a few facebook pages today... It's certainly one of the more meaningful ones I have heard in recent times...

It takes a very special person to wear the blue. Most people do not understand what we do. We made a commitment to protect and serve. We work hard to provide the safety you deserve.

No normal shift, not nine to five. We work 24/7 to keep you alive. Holidays and weekends don't mean a thing. We work night and day, just give us a ring.

Our loved ones and children pray every night. That we will return at the break of daylight. We carry guns and wear vests to help us get through. You couldn't imagine some of the things we must do.

We see accidents and blood and small children crying. We also see death and it's not just old people dying. Abusive spouses and parents that don't seem to care. These are just a few of the things, to make you aware.

Drug dealers and drunks are a regular sight. We go to the bars for fight after fight. Responding to calls day after day. Not allowing our personal lives to get in the way.

You complain all the time when you see us on a break. We just drive around in cars and oh, the money we make. Stop for a second and try to assess. Who's always there to clean up the mess.

We do all we can to help and provide. To make you feel safe and secure inside. Please remember all of the things that we must do. And next time you pray, include the men in blue."

Re: Police Remembrance Day

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:30 pm
by Zebedee
That's quite well written.