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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:33 am
by holdenvxman
Bobby wrote:
GC101 wrote:how can a car overtake you if you say it was going the wrong way down the road
lol - i was just reading that and wondering the same thing........ :?
He/she was going north in the southbound lane and passed me ie he was going faster

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:16 pm
by jmmw
holdenvxman is absolutely correct, well about the direction of traffic at least.

Someone even had a whine to the newspaper about almost being hit.


Though i can totally understand that it would have felt he was going fast if you were doing 100 and he was doing 60 you would have been going past one another at 160 kph, i somehow doubt that anyone in their right mind would be doing 110 kph down the freeway pn the wrong side.

Not only are they risking their lives, others lives they are risking their job, which would be silly.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:32 pm
by Rockjet
Here's one for the books... Was in a country town (dont want to give the name as it might give things away) for two days this week and the house I was visiting had a cop living next door. We were out the back talking and this cop and his missus were having a full on domestic, things were smashing in the kitchen, language was off the planet. The neighbour I was visiting felt his duty to call the police but who do you call in this circumstance when he is the main cop in town. I wonder if his missus rang him during the domestic to arrest himself. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:53 pm
by jmmw
Thats a shame, i like to think most police officers would have the integrity to walk away from the wife when shes pissy much like the self control they excersize to complete strangers.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:55 pm
by bomber
jmmw wrote:Thats a shame, i like to think most police officers would have the integrity to walk away from the wife when shes pissy much like the self control they excersize to complete strangers.
bit rough assuming its the missess.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:59 pm
by Cloverfield

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:04 pm
by AV201
Awk@night wrote:
rockjet wrote:Here's one for the books... Was in a country town (dont want to give the name as it might give things away) for two days this week and the house I was visiting had a cop living next door. We were out the back talking and this cop and his missus were having a full on domestic, things were smashing in the kitchen, language was off the planet. The neighbour I was visiting felt his duty to call the police but who do you call in this circumstance when he is the main cop in town. I wonder if his missus rang him during the domestic to arrest himself. :lol:
I dont think having a argument with the missus, is a reason to call the police... arguing helps... because it is....

A) healthy,
B) normal
C) part of resolving issues

just my 2cents, unless it is a domestic, as in he is beating up on her!
yes, and in that case he would have to tazer himself! :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:29 pm
by Markmywords
How many calls do you hear go out stupid neighbours ring police because next door are having an "arguement" its different if there is crying screaming things being thrown threats being made.

For example cockburn are on there way to a guy yelling at his defacto outside the house now we have the noise police gees, complaintant was the neighbours..

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:35 pm
by jmmw
rockjet wrote:. this cop and his missus were having a full on domestic, things were smashing in the kitchen, language was off the planet. The neighbour I was visiting felt his duty to call the police
Well i just assumed it was somethign serious as

A things were being thrown around

B The neighbour found this out of the ordinary enough to warrant him wanting to call the police.

I would rather visit 100 domestic situations which fizzle into nothing rather then go too one serious domestic which has gotten to far because no one did anything.

Too many people are too willing already not to do anything to help.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:11 pm
by Rockjet
It does go to show that our police officers as well as being supermen and women are also human like all of us and for what they have to deal with on the job would know doubt cause stress on the home front now and again...

*Rob awards Medals to all WAPOL Officers*

Thanks Guys :)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:22 pm
by jmmw
I have no doubt that the police officers handle alot of stress, but its a sad thing when they bring it home.

ofcourse it would be easy to suggest that wapol service should be helping the officers with managing the stress related to day-to-day work, however their implimentation would just to bring in some counsellors and declare a bunch of officers unfit for duty or what ever else may be counter-productive.

However any domestic abuse whether it be violent or not is harmful and i seriously doubt and police officer attending a subiaco apartment to a business man taking out his stress at home would allow such a thing to happen on the basis of stress.

Any abuse towards women should be frowned upon as

A its Illegal

B dare i say, Unaustralian.

C hypocritical, ss i imagine most police would advise couples to seperate for the night should the argument reach such a level that it disturbs the community.

While i understand there is always going to be tiff's between couples and such being in that situation will only add more stress to the officers lives.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:31 pm
by Rockjet
rockjet wrote:Here's one for the books... Was in a country town (dont want to give the name as it might give things away) for two days this week and the house I was visiting had a cop living next door. We were out the back talking and this cop and his missus were having a full on domestic, things were smashing in the kitchen, language was off the planet. The neighbour I was visiting felt his duty to call the police but who do you call in this circumstance when he is the main cop in town. I wonder if his missus rang him during the domestic to arrest himself. :lol:
I didnt say anything in this about the missus being attacked in fact I thought it was more the other way, please dont assume anything until you know the facts, just because its domestic doesnt automatically make it a man bashing a woman, although that is often the case. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:37 pm
by Tyranus
Yeah where's the campaign for "Violence against men, Australia says NO!"

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:38 pm
by jmmw
Still doesnt change the fact that it is a domestic situation that a police officer deals with everyday.

Or the fact that its illegal.
I wonder if his missus rang him during the domestic to arrest himself.
Seems a bit illogical if she was in fact the aggressor?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:48 pm
by Rockjet
I wonder if his missus rang him during the domestic to arrest himself.
Seems a bit illogical if she was in fact the aggressor?

I said this tongue in cheek more as a joke, lets not pick this one to pieces please. I told the story because I believed it was ironic and in some ways amusing, despite the possible seriousness of what was happening and things did calm down as I was leaving. 8)