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Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:09 pm
by 444mfister
woobla1 wrote:I have been reading these posts and am very interested in applying myself.

Can anyone give me some pointers / or some advice as to how to (with the quickest possible time frame improve fitness). My goal is to reach the required 9.4 on the beep test (what ever is for a 24 year old).

What is the best? how often etc.. I have started swimming again.. But how often should I go?

I have pretty much been inactive for most of my life.. and i could probably run about 400 M (joggin) before needing a rest.. my ankles get very sore through running, or is this just normal??

any hints ona fitness regime, with maximum results in the most minimum time????


Cardio is the key, high intensity for 30 mins a day 2-3 times a week.

Work on your core strength as well, most of the academy training revolves around it.

Ease into the 5k run, dont try and run 5k's straight up. You wont be able to do it and you might get injured.

Start one day with a slow 2k run and just step it up gradually over the course of a month. A guy your age should be able to run the 5k's in about 23-24 mins.

10.1 is the level you'd need in the PPE.

Make sure you warm up and cool down ( stretching) before you do any exercise to minimise any injury.

And make sure you can do the bloody sit up( if that is still included in the PPE) because on the day I did my PPE there were half a dozen blokes that could not do it and they were shown the door.

Also, when you put your application in take it seriuosly, dont show up at the academy/ local station to drop your application off looking like shit,be well groomed, be professional, use some manners,turn off your mobile phone etc etc etc

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:20 pm
by woobla1
thank you
I am training now for it, getting back into it, doing weights first and easing in to cardio at the gym :) got a personal instructor lined up for 2 . maybe 3 sessions a week if I can afford it

thanks for the advice.