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Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:36 pm
by donks
phreak wrote:
Antt wrote:with the beep test just get to the mark and stop, cause in the academy you have to constantly improve your score. As for the psych mate yeah life experience would help but if your focused on what you want and relate this well. they wont knock you back

but don't sell yourself short, if its what you want go for it, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise

you can do anything you set your mind to mate

very positive and reassuring words from you there mate. i'm a confident guy (need to be with my current job) and policing is what I have wanted to do for a while now. and i know it is something i will do for the rest of my life. i'll keep you updated as to how things go.
best of luck to ya Phreak. I too am putting serious thought into to the Police Force. I have gotten as far as obtaining an application form and doing some serious reading up.. (i have the paragon training file and all that)... I do personal training once a week and my PT is about to start incorporating the beep test.

However..... As I am only 19 years old, I have realised that trying out for WAPOL is a HUUUUGE step..(forward lol) and its not only a potential job.. its a lifestyle.....

At the moment I have a good job in which is teaching me A LOT of lessons and also things that police officers need....Discipline, Respect, Communication and the ability to Compromise. .

I am now thinking that the Police force is not going anywhere and i still have a few years up my sleeve before i apply

anyway... Good luck again and let us all know how it goes for ya.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:16 pm
by phreak
good words of advice there mate!

i've had my application forms since september last year and only submitted them in august this year. WAPOL asked me why i took so long to submit my application and i simply told them i didn't want to take this lightly and needed to think if this was something i really wanted to do.

like i said, i'll keep you informed. if anyone has advice.. feel free to shoot me a PM or something.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:34 pm
by herrgott
donks wrote:
phreak wrote:
Antt wrote:with the beep test just get to the mark and stop, cause in the academy you have to constantly improve your score. As for the psych mate yeah life experience would help but if your focused on what you want and relate this well. they wont knock you back

but don't sell yourself short, if its what you want go for it, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise

you can do anything you set your mind to mate

very positive and reassuring words from you there mate. i'm a confident guy (need to be with my current job) and policing is what I have wanted to do for a while now. and i know it is something i will do for the rest of my life. i'll keep you updated as to how things go.
best of luck to ya Phreak. I too am putting serious thought into to the Police Force. I have gotten as far as obtaining an application form and doing some serious reading up.. (i have the paragon training file and all that)... I do personal training once a week and my PT is about to start incorporating the beep test.

However..... As I am only 19 years old, I have realised that trying out for WAPOL is a HUUUUGE step..(forward lol) and its not only a potential job.. its a lifestyle.....

At the moment I have a good job in which is teaching me A LOT of lessons and also things that police officers need....Discipline, Respect, Communication and the ability to Compromise. .

I am now thinking that the Police force is not going anywhere and i still have a few years up my sleeve before i apply

anyway... Good luck again and let us all know how it goes for ya.


Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:58 pm
by donks
herrgott wrote:
donks wrote:
phreak wrote: very positive and reassuring words from you there mate. i'm a confident guy (need to be with my current job) and policing is what I have wanted to do for a while now. and i know it is something i will do for the rest of my life. i'll keep you updated as to how things go.
best of luck to ya Phreak. I too am putting serious thought into to the Police Force. I have gotten as far as obtaining an application form and doing some serious reading up.. (i have the paragon training file and all that)... I do personal training once a week and my PT is about to start incorporating the beep test.

However..... As I am only 19 years old, I have realised that trying out for WAPOL is a HUUUUGE step..(forward lol) and its not only a potential job.. its a lifestyle.....

At the moment I have a good job in which is teaching me A LOT of lessons and also things that police officers need....Discipline, Respect, Communication and the ability to Compromise. .

I am now thinking that the Police force is not going anywhere and i still have a few years up my sleeve before i apply

anyway... Good luck again and let us all know how it goes for ya.


Definitions of compromise on the Web:

make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; "nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise"

settle by concession

a middle way between two extremes

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:24 pm
by herrgott
Bravo, smarty pants.

Since you're smart enough to copy/paste, I would've assumed that you were smart enough to understand where I was going with a one-word sentence. Let me try again.

How do you think compromise comes into the job?

That's an honestly curious question.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:39 pm
by Schism_
I think you're getting off topic here, no use poncing around and questioning ones thought about the job, it's what he/she think it is like. I'm sure they have their reasons.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:00 am
by donks
herrgott wrote:Bravo, smarty pants.

Since you're smart enough to copy/paste, I would've assumed that you were smart enough to understand where I was going with a one-word sentence. Let me try again.

How do you think compromise comes into the job?

That's an honestly curious question.
its easier to C+P... wasnt havin a go at ya.. what about in the cases of domestics?? im sure the police often have to compromise a situation to obtain the best outcome for all parties involved??? Im not a cop... but i'd assume any good police officer with good peaple skills would do this...

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:12 pm
by herrgott
Thanks for the reply.

Problem is, a lot of it is governed by policy. Most of the time you're following a strict guideline. -Especially- when it comes to DVIs - they are a real headache a lot of the time. Hands are bound.

There are so many books governing what can and can't be done, the only real thing I can think of in the way of compromise is in regards to discretional powers (read: traffic), but then again that's not really compromising with someone necessarily. But it's halfway there.

In the way of DVIs though, I think that you can help two parties reach a compromise. I think that's done a lot, to solve or correct a situation. Trying to sort of guide and direct two people's situation with each other. But I think it's not common for an officer to compromise with a POI. The law is as it is, y'know?

Now I'm ramblin'. Disregard. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:44 pm
by donks
I see where you're coming from. I guess you're correct when you say it's all policy and there are guidlines and such. But i'm glad you could see what I meant though.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:36 pm
by HM-106
its more about compromising your personal life, giving up your public holidays, giving up have a 8am-5pm work time, compromising seeing your love ones at times......

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:04 pm
by donks
HM-106 wrote:its more about compromising your personal life, giving up your public holidays, giving up have a 8am-5pm work time, compromising seeing your love ones at times......
very true.. as i said, being a WAPOL officer isnt just a job, it's a lifestyle...

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:22 pm
by celestial_insight
A question without too much thought - but I wonder if WAPOL going encrypted (hence people can no longer listen) may reduce SOME numbers of possible recruits in the future.

Is it possible that some people become interested in policing because of hearing "action" on a scanner?

I wonder if more people will now want to join FESA because more scanner hobbiest (and their friends, family etc) will listen.

Also, I have feeling that TV media will lean towards showing more fires soon when their ability to listen live to WAPOL ends. MATCAD available to media will still be not as good as listening live. More TV coverage of firies and less of WA Police may also influence numbers of recruits...


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:24 pm
by Cameron
celestial_insight wrote:A question without too much thought - but I wonder if WAPOL going encrypted (hence people can no longer listen) may reduce SOME numbers of possible recruits in the future.

Is it possible that some people become interested in policing because of hearing "action" on a scanner?
I'm going to go with zero, to no impact on recruit applications due to this move.

If you're listening to police scanners, it's probably because you've got some interest in what they're doing already, not because it's deeply and amazingly fascinating listening to other peoples conversations in the first place.

If you're the kind of chap that does actually just dig sitting around scanning for remotely interesting conversations, I'm going to guess you probably don't have a great chance of passing the psych eval, so the impact is going to be quite negligible.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:07 pm
by Lucas_arts_182
i think people should see scanning as a long orrientation , like was mentioned befor , its a life-style , and are you going to change your lifestyle with out knowing what you in for ? i think CI is right

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:38 pm
by Tyranus
I reckon its a bit of a mix, yes there are a few people who listen to scanners who choose to join the force, but then I think there are a lot of people in the force, who didn't listen to scanners till maybe after they joined, or at least that wasn't the reason, I think that only a small group of people will go into the force after listening to the scanner compared to not...look at the defence forces...I think most of it comes down to the life style. same as being a volunteer, you're there because you want to make a difference! guys in the force, shoot me down if I'm wrong...Walks, Danny, Chev what got you into the Police force?