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Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:08 pm
by woobla1
playworth wrote:and then shot him and then deny him CPR.:)
sort of defeats the purpose of shooting him??

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:12 pm
by woobla1
Toottoot wrote:Well you must expect that if a team is being led by people displaying potentially corrupt behaviour, that is leading by example, that those who follow are only as good as the standards set for them. There are allegedly more than just two bad eggs in the force.
Well as you seem to have all knowledge of the universe in your possession (sp?) perhaps you can find a way to turn that knowledge into fact. And then potentially avoid making yourself look a bit foolish?.

Hey it's not that bad I do it all the time :D.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:17 pm
by vk6hgr
This thread has gone quite a bit away from the original topic, folks. Please stick back to the original topic or we'll close it.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:48 am
by HM-106
Coroner has found the officer was justified in using his gun.

What are you trying to prove/dis-prove by making this thread?

Has this really affected you personally? were you at the coroner court listening to ALL the evidence gathered at the scene or are you basing this on what you HEARD/READ in media?

Are you trying to blame the officer? even though the coroner has deemed the level of force appropriate.

So someone uses their gun that makes them corrupt and a bad egg?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:46 pm
by playworth
woobla1 wrote:
playworth wrote:and then shot him and then deny him CPR.:)
sort of defeats the purpose of shooting him??
dunnno why they didnt bother to CPR him. he father was on his knee with the POI when dying... bad policing possibly

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:00 pm
Without fail the monday morning quaterbacks strike again.

Playworth and Toottoot take the medal for the most uninformed opinions of the lot. It sounds like they haven't even read the mainstream media reporting accuratley or in context. That is a feat in itself considering the media here uses the book "Reporting for Dummies" as its bible. Sounds like they found their target audience.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:15 pm
by jasonjag
[quote="CHEV4EVR"]Without fail the monday morning quaterbacks strike again.

Playworth and Toottoot take the medal for the most uninformed opinions of the lot. It sounds like they haven't even read the mainstream media reporting accuratley or in context. That is a feat in itself considering the media here uses the book "Reporting for Dummies" as its bible. Sounds like they found their target audience.[/quote]

well who calls others dummies, how do you spell "Accurately"

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:28 pm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:10 pm
by Markmywords
Thats why we have a "coroners court" it wasnt a kangaroo court or some dodgy brother inquest.

Hands up who was there when it went down??

Oh wait no one from here was.

Im sorry BUT if a police officer is in fear off his life then he has a right to protect himself and his partner rather than having someone go around to there next of kin explaining that he/she wont be coming home from work.

With an online game you can shoot someone and laugh about it IRL drawing a firearm and shooting someone to protect yourself is something that will stay with you for a while.

Playworth (or is it luke) & Toottoot you should get a hobby chasing traffic if it was either off you in danger and the police had come and shoot someone to save you im sure you wont be complaining.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:35 pm
by playworth
yeah i read how the police didnt handle this moment well..

there didnt treat the male after he been shot by police boo whoo.

no we not cops no we never been in that moment of life.. but as a forum member. it only chat room for commenting on these..


oh and do you have anything plan this weekend boys?

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:10 am
by ryno
jasonjag wrote:I disagree with the Courts and DPP of Acqitting a Police officer who shot at close range 4 times in the chest of the Victim who suffered with bipolar, who stabbed the officer in the arm with a knife, surely the 2 officers could have disarmed him by use of other methods. Ch 10 news.
Suggest methods to disarm someone who has stabbed you?
Toottoot wrote:I agree JJ, also they should have listened to his dad and got his dad to help to at least try and settle him down. That poor boy.

Guns are evil.
After a car chase, then a foot chase of an offender, into a house you don’t even know he lives in – you’re going to stop and ask a person to settle the person down you’re chasing?
jasonjag wrote: Even so, Toottoot is right, guns are evil, but if the officer had fired one, would that not have been enough to slow the victim down, and another view, couldnt the officer move back or away until support arrived, to me he just went in blazing away like in the movies, I feel so sorry for the family and the poor victim. no I do not know the concequences leeding up to it, but my view is still the same.
It is well known people are capable of continuing their intended actions, despite being shot.

Do you think the officer waited to be stabbed rather than ‘move back or away until support arrived’? Or do you think he was trying to defuse the situation but was left ‘with no other alternative’?
Toottoot wrote: His father wasn't consulted. From what I understand of the situation he was brushed aside, when he could have helped calm him down perhaps.
After a car chase, then a foot chase of an offender, into a house you don’t even know he lives in – you’re going to stop and ask a person to settle the person down you’re chasing? Sound familiar?

Toottoot wrote:Like denying a dying man access to a doctor who was waiting at the gate asking to be let in?????????
Was he dying or dead? Those two are very different – be sure you know what you’re talking about.
Toottoot wrote:Your the fool. Nobody suggested that it was right to stab the officer. Just remember, people are judged not by what happens to them but how they choose to react to the situation.
And who are you to judge? Quiet clearly which has been portrayed by your comments - nobody.
BLiNG wrote:
jasonjag wrote:I feel so sorry for the family and the poor victim.
I think the word you are looking for here is suspect, not victim.
Toottoot wrote:I am sorry that you find the comment "Like denying a dying man access to a doctor who was waiting at the gate asking to be let in?????????" not real.
Perhaps you live some land far detached from the reality that the rest of us know.

Of course it is hard to have faith in a police force which promoted two officers to assistant commissioners, which have since been stood aside for their role in wrongfully sending a man to jail for 12 years, despite the efforts of those officers who act in good faith.

You never know which type is behind each uniform.
Which is a shame, because the type you’re tarnishing are the poor men and women who will still rush to your distress call – trying to do the right thing.
Toottoot wrote:Well you must expect that if a team is being led by people displaying potentially corrupt behaviour, that is leading by example, that those who follow are only as good as the standards set for them. There are allegedly more than just two bad eggs in the force.
Who alleges that? You? Who are you? Nobody as well? Where does it say within any WAPol document to ‘lead by example’? Is that an armchair critic quote? I think you may want to replace that with “learn from others mistakesâ€

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:54 am
by Clontarf[X]
The obvious answer is Kung-fu-jitsu

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:50 am
by playworth
woo hoo atleast mind wasnt quoted ahahaha

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:50 am
by Zebedee

I have nothing further to add other than "well said".

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:30 am
by Tyranus
Zebedee wrote:Ryno,

I have nothing further to add other than "well said".