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Re: Margin for Error with regards to speed cameras.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:35 am
by herbie1204
Someone of high standing on this forum can message me if they like and I will go into further detail with regards to what happened to me on the weekend. I am in a little bit of a pickle (which I do accept), but the margin for error is a major concern and that will be explained in the message if someone decides to take me up on it.


Re: Margin for Error with regards to speed cameras.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:22 am
by Zebedee
Unfortunately there's not much that any of us can do, and I don't see that anyone here can provide you with the sort of advice that you need.

On that basis, I'm going to lock this thread, as I can't imagine there's going to be anything further to be gained.