Police courses

Frequencies, Callsigns and discussion on the WA Police Service radio (VKI)

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Post by herrgott »

As a current Recruit at the Academy and having recently both prepared for entry, being accepted, and currently training there, some of these posts are way off the mark from my experience. Just from my experience - other people have their own experiences, of course.
I guess I'm just trying to say don't try to cut corners, and don't take other people's comments as gospel about preparation, about what's best and what's crap, etc...

Most people pass the situp - they don't pass the beep test. Nobody failed the situp in my experience. About 70% failed the beep test however, in my experience.

Paragon works. Tafe works. One doesn't give work experience, one does. I did one, and I have heard success stories about the other one that I didn't do. See what suits you best.
To the comment that serving officers are saying these courses are crap - how many of them did the course, I wonder? Besides that, I fail to see how they [the courses] give an incorrect view of what policing is about when one offers work experience. And not only that, they both have several speakers from the Police that come out to give an exact idea of what it is like. Police officers who do the job themselves. The Police don't want to waste time and resources accepting people who change their mind later - so think about that.

ECU does offer some Police courses. They don't give you any direct access to policing. You still have to apply and get through at Recruiting level, and you still have to do everything the same. Eventually you may get to follow a path if you're the best applicant for it.

Police Recruitment, as stated, is at the Academy. Hit their site for contact details.

Bronze medallion is no longer a requirement. But it is still worth points on your application. And you do have swimming requirements to pass once in training.

It may be something to also note that the fitness instructor for the Police Prep course at Thornlie Tafe is the Academy's Physical Training Manager's wife. So you tell me if she's likely to be teaching/training appropriately.

Also, one last bit of information. 5/6 people who applied for the job who came from the same course as me have made it through.

It is my opinion, with the current state of recruiting versus attrition, that if you're up to it physically, have some idea what policing is about, can see yourself in the role, and have common sense and are not a complete dickhead, that you probably don't even need to go to a course. But I did anyway, and I have no regrets. Making it in first time around with no stress and knowing what's coming sure is quite rewarding.

Anyway, that's all just information for those who want to take it on board. Please note that I have used only firsthand information so as not to confuse people. The information seeping down to you would then be secondhand info, but still in my opinion pretty close to accurate [if you trust an anonymous online forum poster, that is].
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Post by madmikey »

oops, left out the not... do not lie... oh well.[/quote]
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Post by Antt »

Ive also hrd that these courses arent any good from police and from the ppl that do them- as they dont count for anything, maybe a few brownie points buts thats about it.

The situp- MAKE SURE you can do the unsupported situp exactly how they suggest, plently of ppl have failed because of this including myself.. :cry: i still have problems doing that too, and ive been training my arse off...

But i guess it all comes down to the person you are. if you feel you need the reassurance and somewhat of a insight into what it will be like then sure go for it.

wish you all the best in what u decide

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Post by Fozzy »

At the end of the day. If you and the guy next to you are identical and the guy next to you has done the course and you havent. That could be the difference of getting selected or missing out.. I guess thats another way of looking at it.

The thing is WAPOL need coppers bad.

Train for the situp. You need to be able to have your feet flat on the floor, Hands on shoulders, Feet and hands can not move during the course of the situp and your elbows must pass your knees. This is dont totally unassisted. I would almost bet if you tried it right now you couldnt do it.

For the beep test. You basically need to train yourself until you can run 5km in 22-25 minutes consistantly.

I have a couple of training programs myself supplied to me by the Senior PTI at the academy as I would like to get fit to serve myself.

The beep test is downloadable from most common P2P file sharing sites.

From memory if you 20-29 you need to get to level 10:1 which is ten minutes of running basically. Starting off as a Jog working to a sprint towards the end.

Post by hitman »

Re your question about how many of my friends did the course.. I did a ring around


My brother who is now in Major Crime did some sort of course before the academy. All be it this was 16 years ago. He said the curriculum wasn't current and that there were several key items they incorrectly discussed and taught.

My partner's brother who is stationed at Cannington... did something similar. Again he said he found no value in the course and he was also told beforehand NOT to take the courses. He told me that the guys behind the desks teaching the courses have generally never been in the job and 1 particular guy he knows who lectures in these courses was actually stood down from duty many years ago. No further comment.

Finally, a close mate who is at Curtin House warned me when I was initially looking at signing up to stay away. I phoned him for further comment and he said "the general word around the office is these courses aren't up to scratch with no true auditing of accurate curiculum, and the people teaching it could be anybody. For a while now the senior guys around here have really shown their dislike for them."

Now I am not try to make judgement and I am not trying to flame your post. It was an interesting read and it is a very valuable post as alot of the members on here are currently trying to get into the academy.

At the end of the day you are going to the academy to train and learn to be a Police officer. Why would you do a course, then another course, to become a Police officer. Wouldn't you just make sure you can ace the academy?

If it is a question of "doing the course will better your chances" - no. Work harder, train harder, and on the day make sure you are the best fella thru that door.

Thanks for the time you took in posting. Again, very interesting read and much appreciated.

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Post by Tom »

Hi Folks,

2 questions....

Is the beep-test over 20 or 25 metres? I can't recall..

And can anyone advise where I can buy a copy of the beep test?? I'm not into using P2P file-sharing programs so i'll just buy it.


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Post by Antt »

the test is 20m per leg and you can download a free copy from here

its not the same as the one the pilice use but the levels are set out the same, so it will still work,
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Post by Tom »

Cheers for that Antt.


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Post by GC101 »

Last edited by GC101 on Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blade »

i have never tried to enter the wa police but my background was the army at swanbourne.

if you are trying to get fit to run 5km in 22-25 mins dont just run 5 kms
run for 7 or 8kms so that you have some in reserve.

if you know what wind sprints are do these but at about 30-40 metre lengths...expands air capacity of the lungs.

as for sit ups just do them... if you are not good at these when watching tv every add break do 10

we can all do 10 situps... but if you do 10 everytime the adds come on for a 2 hour movie ( on an ongoing basis) you will find that you will build your core strength and this will help when you have to do multiple amounts.

beep test...i havent looked to see what that is but as a few mottos go.

train hard...fight easy

another better way to take a test run is to make sure you are fully hydrated as the experts are now saying that 2 or 3 days before up the fluid intake with the electrolytes....not the morning of or you just give yourself an extra 500g to 1 kg ( water 1ml = 1g) to run with sloshing around.
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Post by GC101 »

Last edited by GC101 on Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by blade »


are you saying that they only have to do one sit up for the test.

sorry i just assumed that there was a number like 60 in 2 mins or something.

gotta laugh
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Post by GC101 »

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