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Posting pictures that are not your own

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:58 pm
by Zebedee


After a recent spate of people posting up pictures and implying (sometimes by omission) that the pictures were their own, please be aware of the following.

If you are posting a picture that you did not take, then you MUST attribute the picture by either naming the photographer and/or the website that the picture was sourced from. Simply providing a link to the image is insufficient.

Wherever possible, obtaining permission from the original photographer is expected. In the cases where this isn't possible, full attribution along the lines of "Photograph taken by {NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER} and sourced from {NAME OF WEBSITE}" is the minimum requirement.

Re-posting images and letting others think that you are the photographer is very bad form and reflects badly on the individual poster and on the site as a whole. Posts or threads containing such images will be deleted without warning, as all photographers deserve credit for the pictures they have taken.


Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:14 pm
by Tyranus
It appears there has been a lot of questioning of photographs that people have put up.
While it is honourable that other users are trying to uphold the rights of other photographers by ensuring their copyright is not breached. I will ask that from now if you believe a photo is in breach of copyright you PM any moderator or administrator for the Pictures section with the details of the photo in question and why you think it may be in breach of copyright.
We will then investigate it and decide whether it is indeed in breech of copyright.
If it is then we will remove the image after speaking with the poster, if it is not we will advise you that this is the case.
This will help ensure that people continue to post any photo's they take that they feel people will enjoy and also be confident that they are not going to be accused of it being 'stolen'.
If you receive a PM from anyone other than a mod or admin about the legitimacy of a photo please PM myself or another mod with the content of the message and we will follow it up.