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Visibility of emergency vehicles

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:54 am
by elm
Ah, a fave topic of mine.

Emergency vehicles get in to dangerous situations, and need to me instantly recognizable as such to the members of public (in any sitation/weather). Due to some great technology that is currently available, notabley LED and good reflective stickers, it's pretty easy to kit them out to be hi-vis.

I found this great link on a german website, got sone nice piccies in an international comparison (and I just had to make them aware of the good ol Highway Patrol Cars here in WA :) ) ... rkeit.html
(If anybody needs a translation or anymore info, let me know)

What does everybody here think?

(Now, lets get a good discussion going here, different people have their opinions and we shall respect them, as long as its a fact based argument - go for gold!)

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:24 am
by Jared
I say we have the best looking police cars. Many other countries dont have the need for highway patrols etc so their cars dont need to be hi spec

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:32 am
by vk6hgr
Jared wrote:I say we have the best looking police cars. Many other countries dont have the need for highway patrols etc so their cars dont need to be hi spec
One word - fog.

Anyway, no matter what flashy lights, reflective surfaces and sirens you put on an emergency vehicle you still get the problem of dumbass drivers who don't get out of the way or are so fixated dealing with their phone/ipod/personal appearance/squawking kids/whatever that they just don't notice.