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Western Rescue 30/06/07

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:29 pm
by nachoman
Some pics from this afternoon

Welshpool 2nd MPHR 72


FESA Rescue team

Singapore Rescue team

SES Rescue scenario

SES Rescue team

SES Rescue casualty

Pingelly SES 4WD

WAPOL Automatic Number Plate Recognition

WAPOL Multinova





Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:34 pm
by jmmw
some senior SES guys there those uniforms are pretty old?

unless they got issued old uniforms

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:46 pm
by bomber
Was very impressed at the job that the wases team did on there adventra. Most teams struggled to get the cas out but they did it quite well.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:17 pm
by Tyranus
jmmw wrote:some senior SES guys there those uniforms are pretty old?

unless they got issued old uniforms
Nah I've found a few units don't exactly support the role FESA plays with the SES but they're only looking at the Fire part of FESA, where as we fit in the ES for Emergency Services, and thus on a lot of their uniforms the FESA logos come off and the WASES logos go on.

Didn't get to see the Karratha mob at work, but I know that the Victorian SES, did a great job, and the New South Wales lot too, I was unconciouss for them and not once did they let go of my head and let it fall down. I would have liked to have been extricated though, a couple of the casulty's were.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:33 pm
by jmmw
Tyranus wrote:
jmmw wrote:some senior SES guys there those uniforms are pretty old?

unless they got issued old uniforms
Nah I've found a few units don't exactly support the role FESA plays with the SES but they're only looking at the Fire part of FESA, where as we fit in the ES for Emergency Services, and thus on a lot of their uniforms the FESA logos come off and the WASES logos go on.
Oh i heard about the politics in the SES i didnt think they would go to that length, i dont understand the big deal?

thanks Tyranus :)

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:44 pm
by Tyranus
Some people feel they get hard done by when it comes to getting money from FESA, they feel all the money goes to the firies, right to the point where on goldfields challenge when asked what the FESA values are the answers were: light fires, put out fires, control fires, drive lights and sirens to fires, play with fire. Or something to that effect however, look at Esperance SES, in their last major floods their building was written off, Shire of Esperance gave them a block of land and FESA had the unit built for them. The same would occur elsewhere.
Yes some of the ESL goes to uniforms and paychecks for the firies, because people would whinge and complain if they had to pay when a pumper turned out to extinguish the fire engulfing the house...and imagine if 2 trucks were required. I'm not going to even look at bush fires for that. Yes there may be plenty of bad things about FESA but there are plenty of good things too!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:46 pm
by jmmw
Cheers tyranus.

the guys in my unit were pretty vague on the subject when i asked them, ofcourse our unit seems to be pro fesa

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:19 pm
by Fastlane
jmmw wrote:Cheers tyranus.

the guys in my unit were pretty vague on the subject when i asked them, ofcourse our unit seems to be pro fesa
As with everything, it comes down to resistance against change.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:25 pm
by gkoutlis
Thats the new multinova i posted up not so long ago - It looks flashier than the ones out on the road at the moment...

I was driving towards Burswood, and was all set up at night on the overpass of Shepparton Rd.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:39 pm
by nachoman
Quick question, was the Number Plate Recognition Camera on display the same thing as the Argus system ?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:41 pm
by Always RX
Nice pics Nacho, thanks for those.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:03 pm
by Antt
Tyranus, i don't know where your getting your info from mate but the ESL is divided on a operational basis. If you unit only needs x amount of dollars for the financial year so be it FESA will only issue you that money, and expect the shire to put in the rest of the money as we are also a shire agency as well as a FESA entity. Yes some units do require more resources than others but as ive said its all about the units individual needs and there operational requirements involve.its not like a lottery mate, were not going to be walking around in freaking gold plated rescue helmets are we... Thats just like Kalamunda asking for a freaking flood boat.... And yes they were old uniforms probably from surplus as they didnt want to ruin there operational equipment, almost everything was supplied for the rescue teams who participated.

Also just referring back to your rant about the values of FESA as outlined in the Goldfields Challenge.... they mentioned nothing about fires or driving with lights and sirens it was all about being honest and compassionate, and understanding to culture and peoples needs


Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:35 pm
by Always RX
Quick question, was the Number Plate Recognition Camera on display the same thing as the Argus system ?
I had thought that these were separate systems and the Argus system was based on facial recognition , happy to be corrected on that though.

My quick question is , who are the guys in the ARRO overalls?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:44 pm
by celestial_insight
ANPR and Argus are one and the same.

Other question - ARRO Australasian Road Rescue Organisation. See

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:10 pm
by munchkin1981
guys in blue overrules with arro on it were the officals/jugdes score makers dark blue were the senario setters