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Car V Pole

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:42 pm
by jmmw
Sorry about the quality i forgot i wasnt in auto focus. :oops:


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:03 pm
by Tom
The rear shot of AV205 is a cracker jmmw. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:30 pm
by Markmywords
jmmw nice pics, do you mind if i ask what you do ?? you in the job at all ?

Looks like a dry road and they take out a pole hmmmm i wonder

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:39 pm
by Donga
By the looks of the photos taken there are no skid marks near by. Looks like a case of bad driving to me.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:10 pm
by jmmw
the picture of you're refering too was taken on a camera phone, there are indeed skid marks just cant be seen

I would put it more to inexperience. the guy didnt look older then 20 and was driving a VY SS. From my perspective (exactly where the silver focus is behind the SS) he has come out of somerville blvd accelerated heavily while turning left onto north lake road and swung the back end out but the car swung out faster then he expected (As V8's often do, or so i have been told ) and he has panic'ed a bit, tried to correct under heavy brakes.

He hit the pole and his car had spun around leaving him facing the opposite direction to traffic. then the pole collapsed over three lanes of traffic stopping traffic completely.

I got out checked him out, he was fine a little shaken and embaressed though.

after that i went back to my car to grab some rope to tie around the pole to pull it out of the way as common sense told me not to touch the pole. As i was about to do this the driver grabbed the pole and attempeted to move it on his own, proving that it wasnt electrified. so we all moved it.

I will post another picture of the skid marks with the police road markings to make it a bit more understandable for you donga once i get my god-forsakin camera to work.

MMW I'm at school and dont work

Tom Cheers! the front one was a hurry cause after they took my statement everyone was about to leave so i snuck a last one in unfortunately all others were out of focus. :oops:


The beginning of the corner where he has hit the throttle and began to spin the wheels.


Continues to spin the tyres across the three lanes


Panics as the rear end begins to step out and hits the brakes and tries to correct, hence the change in direction of marks


The pole and where he ended up in the top left hand corner

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:27 pm
by Tyranus
Don't know if you could exactly call it lucky timing, but anyway, some people really don't think about things when they've done something like that, he shouldn't have been allowed to do anything.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:05 pm
by AV201
Dammit why cant AV201 get out! where the hell is it..its hardly out these days!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:18 pm
by Donga
Thanks for the updated pictures of the skid marks. They are very faint tho as I said it looked as tho there was not any but I stand corrected.