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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:42 pm
by Tyranus
All SES units have approval to have Red lights on their vehicles, the reason for this is in major storms when opperational if something significant happens and they need to get a crew out there immediately, i.e. a frail old lady is trapped in her house and will need to be extracted from the roof or something, then the unit can be given a priortiy to go and perform the rescue, as first aid may also need to be provided.
Some SES units, including all country, and a couple of Metro units (including Stirling, Wanneroo, Gosnells) have Red and Blue lights. This is for the Cliff Rescue Role (Metro&Country units) and road accident rescue role (Country units) these are both life threatening situations and thus potentially qualify for a P1. Training is provided with the course "Drive vehicles under operational conditions". Having said that some vehicles within these units, e.g. Stirling 02 (General Rescue Truck) only has red beacons as it won't turn out to a cliff rescue, but Stirling 01 will (Specialist Cliff Rescue Vehicle), Stirling 03 Ford Courier Ute, and Stirling 05 Troop carrier can help out with transportation of troops to a rescue. For those wondering about Stirling's a boat :)
Hopefully that clears all that up.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:58 am

I have spoken to them and even looked at joining and went to a few meetings but not for me. Yes they do have very few RNS and Drs and even fewer Paras. They only make up a small %. And if you read the post i said i wasnt having a go, as stated everyone has their calling. The issue is simple should first aid have red lights i think no. The point i was making about having an ambulance was to replace that little suzuki with ambulance then you wont have the problem of people not getting out of the way. If you goe by their designation they are not a emergency service even SJA has this view.

If you actually look at their training they first complete a SFA crse and are let loose then they can complete a level 1 and then a level 2 advanced first aid crse. They get a few extra pieces of kit to use but his training is excellent as they are first aid. If you actuall have a yack to a few members they will thell you that they want red and blues siren and want to be able to transport pts. This may not be everyones view but this is the case of about 80% of people i have talked to.

Yess they do give up their time but i give more credit to vol emergency workers ambos fire and rescue, who for example fire and rescue who are on call 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. Not just a few booked days here and there.

As i said before i was not having a bash everyone has their own calling and interests but look out side the box and stop having the standard one sided view.

Also on the topic of driver training its prity obvious who your bagging, so if yr not happy report it. BUt i ask the question do you actually have no they dont do it or you just speculating. Alot of companies are quite secretive with their training providers trying to keep an edge on the competition.

I know for a fact the organisation your talking about does do driver training they do advanced training by WAPOL instructors, attend advanced driver training crses, attend training by racecar drivers they also have nationally recognised certs drive vehicles under operational conditions, transport emerg and non emerg pts etc etc etc etc.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:04 am
by Markmywords
St_Doc totally agree but trying to keep in line with the thread everyone has there own ideas which is why we have free speach god bless our country !!!

At the show they have the suzuki and another vehicle to transport patients and at the end of the day the royal agricultural society will not fork out the $$ for a standby paramedic crew the systems worked fine till now and doubt it would change.

And as for the other i have the driver training manual sitting on my desk that they do and any training group can get something registered but if the plan is driving people around an industrial block and having NON certified instructors pass/fail them THEN i have a problem and thats from first hand expereince.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:38 pm
Hahaha Well said!

They dont get alot of driver training its more try not to reverse our nice vans into the steel poles.