Western Rescue 30/06/07

Pictures of emergency service vehicles, radio equipment etc
Posts: 3746
Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:41 pm
Amateur callsign: VK6FWDH
Scanners and Receivers: UBC93XLT
Location: Helena Valley

Post by Tyranus »

Antt wrote:Tyranus, i don't know where your getting your info from mate but the ESL is divided on a operational basis. If you unit only needs x amount of dollars for the financial year so be it FESA will only issue you that money, and expect the shire to put in the rest of the money as we are also a shire agency as well as a FESA entity. Yes some units do require more resources than others but as ive said its all about the units individual needs and there operational requirements involve.its not like a lottery mate, were not going to be walking around in freaking gold plated rescue helmets are we... Thats just like Kalamunda asking for a freaking flood boat.... And yes they were old uniforms probably from surplus as they didnt want to ruin there operational equipment, almost everything was supplied for the rescue teams who participated.

Also just referring back to your rant about the values of FESA as outlined in the Goldfields Challenge.... they mentioned nothing about fires or driving with lights and sirens it was all about being honest and compassionate, and understanding to culture and peoples needs

Correct, however while you may request a certain amount of money from the ESL, you can't expect to get all that money, as some of it does go to other places, City of Stirling brings in one of the largest if not the largest proportion of the ESL money in Metro if not the state. While we list gear (within reason) and a reasonable ESL budget, we get turned down some money and then have to sort out what we will have to put on hold. Some of the ESL money does go to the Perms, and I have no problem with that.

As for the FESA values, I did not say that I believe those are the FESA values. And I don't for one minute believe that we don't fall under the FESA umbrella, however the particular unit that we were paired up with at the Goldfields challenge didn't care for FESA, and as such that was their belief that FESA only cared about the FRS and VFRS.
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