Keep UHF CB repeater inputs clear

For discussion of AM and UHF CB
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Keep UHF CB repeater inputs clear

Post by aussiefarmer »

Hi all, as most of you have probably already seen, I've made a thread for anyone interested in monitoring PER05 and keeping it clear, so I figured it is fitting to also do the same for the other inputs.

This thread is for anyone who is interested in helping to keep channels 31 - 38 and 71 - 78 clear. Post information on misuse, location of misuse, etc., or anything else that may help with keeping the inputs clear. If it is to do with channel 35, please post it on the PER05 thread I made, as I give that thread more priority being emergency channel related. Also please note that I will not be dealing with misuse on inputs with no corresponding repeater within 200km of the input user, though I still keep the information so I can contact that group if a corresponding repeater is put up which they would then affect.

Thank you,
Joshua (forrestfieldbase1)
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