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Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:26 pm
by vk6hgr
The problem is, it's hard putting up a CB repeater because it's hard to find a site. It has to be more than 20Kms from any other CB repeater and 100Kms from any repeater on the same channel.

Then you have to try and negotiate site access for something less than the $5000 odd a year most of them ask...

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:31 pm
by Lucas_arts_182
i know that but he is holding the licence even though hes taking the repeater down ,just to make it harder for anyone else to put one up, its just his way of playing god like he always trys to do , because hes nothing with out his repeater and his "power to turn it off"


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:35 am
by Troy
I was reading the ACMA Information paper on the CBRS Repeater and there is something in there about if it is not in use / commissioned for 12 months then the status of the license may be reviewed. I'd guess someone would have to bring it to the ACMA's attention though.

I agree though, he really should hand it in so someone else can take over a northern suburbs UHF repeater if they wish.


Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:20 pm
by vk6hsv
Would anyone be that stupid? LOL

maybe someone should contact him and make him an offer if they want the licence so badly then they can setup their own repeater and suffer the their own problems LOL


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:52 pm
by frankstowing
well vk6hsv why dont you give up the license hey george cause there are bout 5 ppl i know that would like a better managed repeater than what you offered its free to air radio yet you was controling it like it wasnt by stomping on ppl and whats so ever the ppl that paintballed ya house prob had a good reason for it like many cbers we were all getting a bit pissed of with it so do everyone a favour give up the license and get over it

Re: offers

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:53 pm
by Lucas_arts_182
vk6hsv wrote:Would anyone be that stupid? LOL

maybe someone should contact him and make him an offer if they want the licence so badly then they can setup their own repeater and suffer the their own problems LOL


PER01 Licence

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:55 pm
by vk6hsv
Well Frank the equipments sold to QLD and the licence has been sold this evening also... so it appears "its been gotten over" but if you dont like things on a particular channel all you have to do is switch it off or switch to another one that doesnt make you cry or hurt your feelings as much..

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:00 pm
by Lucas_arts_182
frankstowing wrote:well vk6hsv why dont you give up the license hey george cause there are bout 5 ppl i know that would like a better managed repeater than what you offered its free to air radio yet you was controling it like it wasnt by stomping on ppl and whats so ever the ppl that paintballed ya house prob had a good reason for it like many cbers we were all getting a bit pissed of with it so do everyone a favour give up the license and get over it
i couldnt have put it better myself

Re: PER01

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:21 pm
by slipknot
vk6hsv wrote:PER01 Equipment Has been SOLD and sent to QLD.
This is due to some retard CBERS driving past the Owner/Licencee of the repeaters house and using a paintball gun to shootup his house & car, After providing a FREE service for so long and to be repayed in this fashion who could blame them really.
I understand he is holding the licence though which ensures no more CBERS repeaters can be setup in a 50km radius acording to the ACMA.
Thanks To Adam AKA Jack & Daniel AKA Tonka, (2 Men around 30 years of age) who decided to paintball the owners house & car.
WELL, thats a suppires, after all that i thought they would have beat him up or somthing.

Re: PER06/08

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:22 pm
by slipknot
vk6hsv wrote:It is also strongly believed a group is also on the verge of activating another new repeater in the Perth alla PER08 they have all the required equipment and have found a prime location for the new repeater and our now waiting for ACMA approval before commencing operation of their new repeater rumoured to be either PER06 or 08.
it better not be per06, otherwise people cant access qun06 during an inversion!

Re: PER01

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:42 pm
by PRC-495
vk6hsv wrote:PER01 Equipment Has been SOLD and sent to QLD.
This is due to some retard CBERS driving past the Owner/Licencee of the repeaters house and using a paintball gun to shootup his house & car, After providing a FREE service for so long and to be repayed in this fashion who could blame them really.
I understand he is holding the licence though which ensures no more CBERS repeaters can be setup in a 50km radius acording to the ACMA.
Thanks To Adam AKA Jack & Daniel AKA Tonka, (2 Men around 30 years of age) who decided to paintball the owners house & car.
Thats the story you have proberly heard from the owner as thats what he was telling everyone. However any CBer would know what i'm talking about when I say he does start alot of trouble on the repeater. Playing god, abusing the mud stations etc.. Yes this is a personal opinion but I am not the only one. The owner of the repeater did provoke the offenders into paintballing his home. He was always down their throats on the air and acting as god saying how he didn't like them so they shouldn't go on the RPT. At the end of the day, the repeater is a free service and the repeaters are open to anyone and everyone who wishes to use them. Owners have no right in saying who is allowed to use them.

I spose what goes around comes around.. you can't go out giving people crap and provoking such things and not expect anything in return. Guess he needed to have a more positive outlook on everyone. :)

Re: offers

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:45 pm
by PRC-495
vk6hsv wrote:Would anyone be that stupid? LOL

maybe someone should contact him and make him an offer if they want the licence so badly then they can setup their own repeater and suffer the their own problems LOL

Do you ever hear about the owners of rolleystone repeater or chnl 8 in perth (when it was up) getting paintballed or lawn digs etc? No.. because noone has problems with the people on those commities because they are nice and give everyone a fair go. Not like the owner of PER01.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:45 am
NO behaviour excuses the use of violence, vandalism or "paintballing".

Even if the owner of the repeater may have been running it in the way described, that does NOT mean that violence of any sort is warranted.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:06 pm
by vk6hsv
NO behaviour excuses the use of violence, vandalism or "paintballing".

Even if the owner of the repeater may have been running it in the way described, that does NOT mean that violence of any sort is warranted.
Couldnt have said it better myself WPXZBP, some people just need to grow up and learn some old fashion manners & respect for other people and their property!!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:05 pm
by celestial_insight
Anyone with a repeater available thought about approaching one of the TV or radio stations and asked for sponsored (free) space on their towers in Bickley, or better still, Dianella?