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Airbus A380

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:28 pm
by doogues71
Hi Guys,Was watching the special last night on the new Airbus A380.Was wondering what peoples thoughts were on it.And any chance of it visiting Perth any time soon.By the way it's got an apropreit rego:F-WWOW.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:03 pm
by Steve
The major ports (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane) saw it a few weeks ago the in flew straight to Dubai for an air show.

Don't hold your breath waiting for it to come to Perth: I doubt we're the sort of destination the airlines would put the A380 on. We don't have the passenger numbers (coming in or out) that would consistently fill an A380, and the distances between Perth and the major destinations and points of origin wouldn't allow to best exploit its other major feature: its range. We're too close to Asia and too far from Europe and America for the A380 to be economically utilised on any worthwhile 'non-stop' run.

Then there's the other factor: the airport. I don't know if the runways at YPPH can accommodate an A380 - but the terminal at its current size may be hard pressed to process a full A380 load of passengers through customs and immigration.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:05 am
by Bonez
My flatmates dad is one of the big nobs (managers) at YPPH and when he was over here for dinner one night we got talking about it. He said that the runway will not handle it, but it's most definantely something that they are looking at upgrading in the future, so that it will be able to handle an A380 regardless.

I still agree with you on passenger numbers. The only way they'd be able to fill it is if all of a sudden they started offering 1 flight a week to London... lol god forbid us if they ever did that!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:40 pm
by Glen
Hi All

Was out at Perth Airport today and was told that the A380 would not come to Perth As the A380 faces significant challenges on the ground. To integrate into our existing airport, the A380 must fit the standard airport-docking plan. The plane's nearly 262-foot wingspan meets this requirement by about 18 inches. Its outer-most engines, however, would hang just beyond the standard 150-foot runway width, requiring upgrade at Perth airport. And the
Main runway would neeed to go out to TONK'S.

Regards Glen