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Hi all

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:34 pm
by SquALeD
Hi people, just got meself a Uniden UBC92XLT and came about this site while I was looking for aviation freqs. Usually listen to Jandakot on 118.1 and the marine freqs round Freo.

Talking of Jandakot I notice a few names that fly there, notably gkoutlis and Night_Ryder - I usually fly at Jandakot on Fridays, going for my PPL myself. What time are you guys there? I'm usually there at 1pm flying Pipers with Minovation. :D

Back on scanning - Im a real noob when it comes to this. Would it be worth me getting an external antenna? I really listen to the aviation channels the most (Can get Jandakot gnd no prob here in Freo) but nothing from Perth.

Thanks for the help in advance and Ill see you at the air race

Sq :)

Re: Hi all

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:30 pm
by gkoutlis
SquALeD wrote:Hi people, just got meself a Uniden UBC92XLT and came about this site while I was looking for aviation freqs. Usually listen to Jandakot on 118.1 and the marine freqs round Freo.

Talking of Jandakot I notice a few names that fly there, notably gkoutlis and Night_Ryder - I usually fly at Jandakot on Fridays, going for my PPL myself. What time are you guys there? I'm usually there at 1pm flying Pipers with Minovation. :D

Back on scanning - Im a real noob when it comes to this. Would it be worth me getting an external antenna? I really listen to the aviation channels the most (Can get Jandakot gnd no prob here in Freo) but nothing from Perth.

Thanks for the help in advance and Ill see you at the air race

Sq :)
Gidday Sq,

Thought I'd be the first to say gidday - Im George - I've been flying the DA-20 C-1 Diamond Eclipse since October through The Aeroplane Company ....

I have completed all my lessons for GFPT - and about to sit my BAK and GFPT exams very soon - like this Sunday - Sunday's are my primary days to fly as I Volunteer my services with St John Ambulance - and that keeps me on my toes....

Not sure what sort of Freqs you can listen too - But i also have a 92 XLT Uniden - best scanner by far that i got....

Try these....

JT Tower - 118.1 which you have
JT GND - 124.3
Circuits - 119.4
ATIS - 120.9
Perth Radar - 135.25 - Goes North and South of the Coast to A/C like u and me - going to Bunbury or Cottesloe etc

Perth ATIS - 123.8
Melbourne Centre - 133.9
Perth Approach - 123.7
Perth Tower - 120.5
Perth GND - 121.7
Perth Departures - 118.7

Thats just a few - But from where i live south of the river - I can get some pretty clearly for Perth Airport - so give em' ago ....

I will be in flight formation - single line with all 5 DA-20 Diamonds at the Red Bull Air Race - Flying VH-YNB - so hope to see you at Langley Park when we land there.....

G :8

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:18 pm
by Night_Ryder
I fly ever odd friday or sat. What stage of your flying are you up to. G you say your flying formation in Red Bull, which I would do anything to be able to do, but you are only up to Area Solo stage? Not that I dont think you will, just curious. How often do you fly? or have you already started your navs? SquALed, are you planning to get your commercial licence? On to the scanner issue I am located in south perth and I can pick up all freqs at perth international but unfortunately I can only get Jandakot ATIS. I am going to try to set up an antenna on the roof. I think that if you mainly listen to aviation comms, than there should be no different between where the antenna is located as VHF is line of sight and considering its aviation comms there shouldnt be no probs.

Re: Hi all

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:15 pm
by westernwedgey
SquALeD wrote:Would it be worth me getting an external antenna?

Sq :)
Absolutely, better clarity and range of signal...Hope it helps.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:03 pm
by gkoutlis

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:13 pm
by SquALeD
Hi all, thanks to all for the tips re the antenna and freqs. wedgey, any recomendations as to buying an external? although I think I'm gonna have a go at building one meself. Just geting to grips with the Uniden at present although listened to Jandakot ATIS on the way home from work today - seemed like a good day for a flight. 8)

Night_Ryder I'm around area solo stage at the mo, just before it actually and yes, I'm planning to go on and do my commercial. What about yourself? gkoutlis I looked at your pics of the Diamond - really nice and you lucky ..person for flying in formation at the air race!

Talk soon and thanks again - Sq

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:55 am
by ConstableCare
Night_Ryder wrote:I will be a qualified Student Pilot - able to fly with One Adult passenger in the Training Area south of YPJT -
Why only 1 Pax? What about being checked on a 4 seater and taking that to the T/A??

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:24 am
by gkoutlis

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:21 pm
by Night_Ryder
I am planning on going to the West Australian Aviation College, when I finish year 12. At the moment, I am just about to start training for my aerobatics endoresment, though I have done a few aerobatic tricks by myself :-) (Please dont tell CASA) When I finish my CPL, I am hoping to get my instructor rating, my command Instrument rating and multi-engine rating. I eventually want to get my NVFR.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:25 am
by Millsy
gkoutlis wrote:...
So if your changing all your posts Gk ... Does that mean we can start deducting posts ?? :lol:

Come on mate, Time to grow up George...

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:08 am
by ConstableCare
Night_Ryder wrote:I am planning on going to the West Australian Aviation College, when I finish year 12. At the moment, I am just about to start training for my aerobatics endoresment, though I have done a few aerobatic tricks by myself :-) (Please dont tell CASA) When I finish my CPL, I am hoping to get my instructor rating, my command Instrument rating and multi-engine rating. I eventually want to get my NVFR.

Don't do it! Take it from someone that has been there and done that and has all those ratings you are talking about - save your hard earned $$$ and put them into something worthwile (not that Aviation isn't worth it, just poor return on investment!) like a House! Just enjoy your flying as a past-time / hobby - not a career!

You will be on the bones of your A@SE and it is not a nice feeling...

Please listen to me, I used to be a Charter Pilot and Flight Instructor and got out of the game cause everyone wants to shaft you!

Cheers, CC 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:05 pm
by VK6LD
ConstableCare wrote:
Night_Ryder wrote:I am planning on going to the West Australian Aviation College, when I finish year 12. At the moment, I am just about to start training for my aerobatics endoresment, though I have done a few aerobatic tricks by myself :-) (Please dont tell CASA) When I finish my CPL, I am hoping to get my instructor rating, my command Instrument rating and multi-engine rating. I eventually want to get my NVFR.

Don't do it! Take it from someone that has been there and done that and has all those ratings you are talking about - save your hard earned $$$ and put them into something worthwile (not that Aviation isn't worth it, just poor return on investment!) like a House! Just enjoy your flying as a past-time / hobby - not a career!

You will be on the bones of your A@SE and it is not a nice feeling...

Please listen to me, I used to be a Charter Pilot and Flight Instructor and got out of the game cause everyone wants to shaft you!

Cheers, CC 8)
I seem to remember giving out this information at one time...! :P