General Aviation Discussion

Aircraft, traffic control, air services

Moderators: Infernal, Nafenn, numloxx

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Re: General Aviation Discussion

Post by nachoman »

VH-BKV helicopter flying over the city each night as part of the Perth Festival 'Siren Song' event
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Is DL under serving JFK/SFO business?

Post by jamesbowers »

I'm a DL flyer and going to SFO for a business trip in October. To my surprise, all business class on direct flights between JFK - SFO are sold out on DL. I even looked into 3Q/4Q of this year, 90% of the flights have their business cabins sold out. DL flies 757 with 16 D1 seats

Meanwhile, AA has plenty of C seats on their A321s on the same dates. They're using A321s with 20 C and 10F seats (Didn't search for F seats so not sure about their LF)

While AS also provide direct service between JFK/SFO, they do not have lie-flat seats.

Is DL underserving JFK/SFO route? Obviously, UA has EWR-SFO all wrapped up, but JFK-SFO still represents a significant market that DL can capitalize on - especially if their C cabins are consistently sold out. Does anyone have info on the premium cabin LFs for DL and AA?

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Re: Is DL under serving JFK/SFO business?

Post by Nafenn »

Hi James, Welcome to WARSUG.

Unfortunately the sales practices of US based carriers is a bit outside the scope of this forum, being based around Radio use in Western Australia.

If you have any questions or discussion on any Australian Carriers however we're happy to talk.
Nathan Fenn
WARSUG Aviation Band & Reviews Moderator

Anything I say is my opinion, and has nothing to do with/does not reflect the views of anyone I was/am/will be involved with/employed by/volunteer for/associated with. There, I think that should cover it!
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Re: General Aviation Discussion

Post by macca1024 »

Has anyone else noticed that the police helicopters no longer show up on ADS-B data websites? I just had what I assume was a police helicopter overhead and doing loops but it doesn't show up on ADSB Exchange nor my own local copy of dump1090, perhaps it's transmitting a new standard that isn't being decoded correctly, surely it has to be transmitting something.
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Re: General Aviation Discussion

Post by Nafenn »

Nothing has been made public about a change in protocol for WAPOL aircraft (Not within the industry anyway), however for fairly obvious reasons WAPOL (and some other agencies) are not overly keen on their operations being public information.

Websites like flightradar24 and FlightAware have been refusing to publicly broadcast these aircraft's tracks for years (At the operators request). Purely a guess but there may have been something in a recent update telling ADSB stations uploading data to websites (So not the ATC ground stations) not to track certain callsigns or registrations.
Nathan Fenn
WARSUG Aviation Band & Reviews Moderator

Anything I say is my opinion, and has nothing to do with/does not reflect the views of anyone I was/am/will be involved with/employed by/volunteer for/associated with. There, I think that should cover it!
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Re: General Aviation Discussion

Post by macca1024 »

I confirmed again last night, there was a police operation in the neighborhood, the helicopter was right over my house and not a thing on ADSB Exchange, Aussie ADSB or my own RTL-SDR Dump1090. As far as they claim those sites don't censor aircraft and my own copy of dump1090 sure doesn't.

I wonder if ATC are using a radar track to follow their flight path. Might have to listen more to ATC.
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Re: General Aviation Discussion

Post by macca1024 »

Another interesting data point, I heard a whole bunch of cop cars blow past my place with full sirens on, I checked ADSB-Exchange and also saw the police plane leaving Jandakot. I was wondering if it was going to the same place the cars were so I kept an eye on it and as soon as the plane got around the Dianella area it disappeared from the map. Last altitude was 7700 ft baro. It seems WAPOL are turning off transponders. ... 2-pc-12-47

Also the police chopper was hovering in the street behind me today as well and still not showing up on ADSB.
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