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Does anyone know?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:23 am
by Donga
A while ago it was discussed in here that Channel 7 was making a real life Police show similar to Boarderline security. From what had been said at the time members woulld hear the police telling VKI that they had channel 7 camera crew on board. Does anyone still hear this? Does any1 know when the series will be broadcast or have Channel 7 scapped the idea?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:07 pm
by Turbo
Still going ahead with the idea - the crew are from Channel 7 over east I hear. They were filming at the booze bus thing tonight. Not sure when it is due to go to air.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:38 am
by JG-103
I reckon they should do a Cops like program, i know NZ tried and failed miserably, i reckon it would be the best program, even more so if it was more W.A based than anythin else :D , especially if the produces of Cops did it ( i highly doubt it). Then if we heard somethin good on the scanner, and its on a cops episode, we'd know what happened exactly and how the WA police handle things. I reckon that one of the channels should buy the rights to air Cops episodes, i think channels 9 has but they need to put it on at a convenient time (not 12 or so at night) and more than once a week.

Cops is awesome

" bad boys bad boys, watcha gonna do?..."

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:34 pm
by blade

the nz cop show still airs but you must be in
if they had something like that her to show people actually doing shit and getting caught it may make some of the dickheads wake up.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:26 am
by Turbo
But how much big stuff happens in Perth? I love the idea too but I think they will struggle for content.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:56 pm
by G
The programme is still going ahead, and is going to be called, "True Blue". They are still in the filming stage at the moment... 13 x 30 min eps... will be interesting to see...

Turbo... "Not much big stuff happens in Perth"... you're living in a different city to me then, my friend!!!! You just gotta know where to look mate!


Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:31 pm
by Ludacris
I think Turbo knows where to look..... :lol:

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:39 pm
by Turbo
Ludacris wrote:I think Turbo knows where to look..... :lol:

Yeah I guess I worded that wrong, stuff does happen in Perth but I just dont think it will be exciting like in "Cops". I will still watch every episode though!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:33 am
by gkoutlis
Guys actually - I think maybe last year or year before that there was i think a mini series on Channel 31 called Polair61....

It was the best show by far that i have seen with Polair chasing the badies from the air - going bush, pursuits on Fwy's - it was awsome - too bad Channel 31 canned it... :roll:

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:42 pm
by Turbo
Oh yeah I remember that! Only got to see a couple of episodes but it was awesome!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:44 pm
by gkoutlis
Turbo wrote:Oh yeah I remember that! Only got to see a couple of episodes but it was awesome!
Roger that mate :lol: They even showed the FLIR images the whole way - and you could also actually here most of the transmitions from Polair to ground units....Wish they'd bring back a new series... :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:27 pm
by JG-103
That would be the best, i reckon they should replace friday night games with it.