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locking of topics..

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:06 pm
by Fastlane
Seems kinda sad that all of a sudden, there seems to be a HEAP of topics being locked in the WAPOL part of the forum..

Is it really necessary and does it actually achieve anything?

Any arguments will tend to head for another thread.. perhaps better to let things run their course, so they whole forum doesnt end up full of it?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:09 pm
by Bonez
Sometimes when discussions get out of hand they need to be closed and people need to move on.

We are all here to play nicely with each other, not abuse and namecall.

If you think there a topic is locked and you have a good reason for it to be unlocked so the discussion can continue, then please let a mod know.

By the way I can only see four topics that have been locked, which is pretty good going in my opinion considering we have over 7600 articles on this forum.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:10 pm
by Tom
Yep I agree with Fastlane.

It'll only move onto a new topic and then it will be on again, the thread concerned will burn itself out in no time.

Let's things run their course.

Why are their so many many moderators on this forum now Gav?


Tom -can you unlock that thread at least all the 'negative energy' is in the one place and not spread over over WAPOL.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:18 pm
by Bonez
The idea of locking the thread is to put a stop to the discussion in the form that it was taking place at the time.

If you guys want to swear and abuse each other about who is right or wrong, then please take it to a private message or email/msn.

The forum is here for everyone, and the amount of negativity that is popping up in some threads is really making the place unenjoyable for others.

There will always be debates on forums, people will ALWAYS have differing opinions but there's far more constructive ways to deal with it, even in the public forum.

It's not nice to have to close threads or edit posts, but sometimes it just needs to be done.


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:19 pm
by vk6hgr
Tom wrote: Why are their so many many moderators on this forum now Gav?
There are 2 moderators of the forum, Me and Zebedee. There are also two moderators of the WAPOL section.

I agree with Bonez. No moderator or admin here closes a thread on a whim.

I'm for open conversation and healthy debate on on-topic subjects here and I like to see disagreements come to a conclusion but there comes a stage when people start emailing me and saying they're not coming back ever again because all that happens is bickering and name calling that some threads just have to be closed and everybody agrees to disagree on some points and move on.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:19 pm
by westernwedgey
Breath in the good............(enter sound of someone breathing in)
Breath out the bad............(enter sound of someone breathing out)

Re let it continue - Are you serious....let people flame each other simply because they have a different opinion...and let it continue.....and fester...

I say the minute a discussion (choke) gets to the point of personal attacks....LOCK IT OUT!!!

Just my opinion

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:26 pm
by Tom
Fair enough, but I'm pretty sure that this isn't going to be the only topic that gets locked.

At least opening it prevents the future need to lock more threads.

If people don't like a bit of 'healthy debate' and some of the posts on that thread are quite knowledgeable then don't read it!!

I don't understand why their are 2 moderators on WAPOL Gav. Why can't you just do it like before?


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:27 pm
by Fastlane
vk6hgr wrote:
Tom wrote: Why are their so many many moderators on this forum now Gav?
There are 2 moderators of the forum, Me and Zebedee. There are also two moderators of the WAPOL forum.

I agree with Bonez. No moderator or admin here closes a thread on a whim.

I'm for open conversation and healthy debate on on-topic subjects here and I like to see disagreements come to a conclusion but there comes a stage when people start emailing me and saying they're not coming back ever again because all that happens is bickering and name calling that some threads just have to be closed and everybody agrees to disagree on some points and move on.
To be honest Gav, if someone is immature enough to resort to a "stop it or else I'll leave" then perhaps they shouldn't be here in the first place?

Smacks of the whole "I'm dobbing on you" from when I was 10 years old...

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:28 pm
by vk6hgr
Tom wrote: I don't understand why their are 2 moderators on WAPOL Gav. Why can't you just do it like before?
The site has grown, and it's just too much for me and Zebedee to keep up with.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:42 pm
by Donga
Tom I as a moderator for the WAPOL section am quite happy allowing people to debate in these forums. But I do draw a line and dont consider people swearing and being abusive towards other members as debating at all. If the topics stayed at a leval where no abuse has been aimed at other members the threads in question would not have been locked.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:51 pm
by Tom
Yeah well say that then in an announcement on WAPOL!!

If you remind people of the do's and dont's their won't be an issue.

I think their is a particular member on that site that needs a 'warning about inappropriate langauge' and leave it at that.

Trust me you'll do more harm than good interferring and nobody will post f*ck all, like what happened earlier in the year when a number of members including myself stopped posting anything.

Don't penalise everyone for one members sake..


Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:09 pm
by Donga
Tom we have said it several times but if they dont listen what else can we do? I can understand what you are saying and your points are valid. I am sure thast the offending members will be warned and If they continue will possibly be removed from this site. But as you would know nothing then stops them from signing back up under a different email and ldoing the same again. It is sad a selected few at the moment are ruining it for others

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:32 pm
by vk6hgr
Then lets not let them ruin it then :-)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:25 am
by madmikey
i have seen a few posts lately where total _______(fill in the blank) have been on here only to brag about their exploits and go fishing for ego boosts, and thankfully for the most part people shoot them down in flames... but unfortunatly users go to far with what they have to say about it... I think that they should be shut down and removed from the forums to stop the all the abuse in the first instance.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:03 pm
by jmmw