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More idots AND they have the nerve to ask how to get out....

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:12 am
by orac68
More idots AND they have the nerve to ask how to get out of it.

This is a COPY of a post from a website related to SpeedCameras.


Whilst I am not proud of the predicament I find myself in, I seek help from anyone who has any ideas on how I can fight this as I work in sales and am face dismissal should I lose my license.

Saturday afternoon I was clocked by the boys in blue doing 164km in a 80 zone. The events as I remember them were as follow:-
I am at the traffic lights at the start of a 3 lane way elevated section of road, third car back from the front in the middle lane, as the cars pull away I zip into the inside lane and floor it. The road bends round after about 200 yards then is straight for just over half a km then bends again and you hit a set of traffic lights.

When I get to the final set of lights, there is about a 15/20 second interval then a police commodore flies up behind me and pulled me over. The driver gets out of the car and informs me that they are videoing and sound recording me, then shows me a grey handheld gun with my alleged speed on it (163-164km), this surprised me due to three reasons:-
1) As this was a chase car why was my speed recorded on a hand held gun and not in the car itself.
2) The strip we were on had two bends on it and a straight between them, however I had been only decelerating on the final bend and I remember looking in my mirror at around 175km and there was nothing even remotely close to me (and no lights flashing coming up from behind) and
3) By the end of the straight I was doing at least 10km over what they clocked me at before I started decelerating - meaning that I would have been out of their direct line of sight

They stated that they clocked my speed for 3 seconds – as I was so far over the limit it seems hard that this gun would have been able to calibrate itself from such a distance and provide an accurate reading to the police.

The gave me an instant ban pending my court hearing

I’m sorry if this offends any of you, however I have learnt a lesson and am trying to move into damage control, therefore any help or suggestion is appreciated."

I can not believe this guy has the NERVE to even ask the question @ the speed he was booked at. I was so tempted to reply but bit my tongue.

about biting your tongue

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:00 am
by Genesis
I can't believe you managed to bite your tongue... I concur fully with what you are saying.. why should this tosser be given advice on how to get out of the predicament he put himself in. I mean he openly admits he was committing the offence... an offence that at any split second could take the life of one of your family members and/ or friends. He deserves nothing less than some time courtesy of Her Majesty. Maybe he will have time to think about the probable consequences of his actions.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:22 am
by westernwedgey

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:58 am
by just.nosey
They are amazing aren't they theres an old saying don't do the crime and you won't do the time

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:45 pm
by pinkbosseslady
Forget about what he has done for the moment and have a read of what he is asking.

To me he is asking about how the radar gun can give a reading on what speed he was going. Say if you were in a 60 zone and you were doing 100 straight past a cop car with the radar on the dash, how can that thing tell how fast you were going? It would have to try and take the speed of the police car out of the reading.

Anyone know how they work?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:43 pm
by just.nosey
Pink my guess is the Police car wasn't moving at the time the speed was captured and I say this for a couple of reasons.

I have never seen Police officer use a hand held radar or laser from a moving vehicle and as far as I know the car has to be stationary unlike the mobile (on board) radar which continuously records the speed the police car while it is in motion.

The time it took the police car to catch up after the event and the distance travelled 60 kph = 1 km per minute 120 = 2 km per minute 180 = 3 km per minute et'c.

The writer mentions a top speed of 175 kph before braking (almost 3 kms per minute) and the fact the Polce car took roughly 20 seconds to catch up and come into view I believe tells us the Police vehicle was stationary at the time the writers speed was recorded.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:48 pm
by pinkbosseslady
ahh ok, i dont care about what happened in that blokes story he should take it on the chin,

my question is how do the radar thing in traffic cars work when you go past one speeding, how can it work out the speed of your car when there car is moving aswell

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:51 pm
by Ludacris
pinkbosseslady wrote:Forget about what he has done for the moment and have a read of what he is asking.

To me he is asking about how the radar gun can give a reading on what speed he was going. Say if you were in a 60 zone and you were doing 100 straight past a cop car with the radar on the dash, how can that thing tell how fast you were going? It would have to try and take the speed of the police car out of the reading.

Anyone know how they work?
Its called the Doppler effect which takes a reading of waves and then takes another reading of course if you are getting closer the waves get higher (Squished together) and it works out the difference in waves between the origanl signal and the second signal....

Its abit like hearing an ambulance coming towards you as it gets closer it gets louder and the when it goes past you again it get quiter, this all has to do with the Doppler effect... Do a search on it in Google there will be heaps..

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:53 pm
by pinkbosseslady
props a good idea, you sorta explained it, ill go do some reading

cheers bud

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:06 pm
by jmmw

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:12 pm
by pinkbosseslady
nah, it would go past 20k's faster

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:43 pm
by jmmw
exactly? so 20 kph plus the police cars original 60 kph would be 80 kph?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:00 pm
by Kanye
Chill out guys, its not like he is raping people or murdering people.

Australia seem to be one of the very few countries that is so anal about speeding.

WA's draconian anti speeding laws only serve to slow traffic down and make it more dangerous. To many moving objects in one area....

Many many global and national studies consistantly prove that bad traffic management is more of a danger than speeding motorists.

Here is an interesting example.

A vehicle travelling at 60kms "intersects" another vehicle departing a stop sign. However if the same vehicle is travelling at 65kms, it avoids intersecting the vehicle leaving the stop sign, completely.

A vehicle travelling at 55Kms also avoids intersecting the vehicle leaving the stop sign, but has to break evasivly.

The point, speed (and this is scientifically proven boys) adds to the "impact" of an intersection, but doesnt actually cause the collision.

In actually fact, if we washed another 10Kms off our total speed accross the board, there would be very little reduction in terms of traffic accidents. As the previous proven point has illustrated.

If we look at a country like say, England, where speeding laws are very relaxed. Traffic flows very nicely in relation to the population. The Police are VERY focussed on traffic management issues however. "hogging" the right lane will see you issued with a ticket.

We dont seem to worry about that here so much, and surprise surprise, traffic flows very slowly. Which you may say is a good thing...But, the root cause of major traffic accidents (again a proven globally studied fact) is vehicles placed to close to each other. When that is the case, if two vehicle collide, even doing the speed limit, there will be major carnage.

This is the major cause of traffic "accidents" in WA. Yes, they are just accidents.

Perhaps it may make sense to increase traffic flow? Less cars in the same area, less accidents.

Im also interested to know why the Police person felt the need to chase the suspect vehicle at such high speed? Did the car not have a licence plate?

I predict in the future you will see people the likes of the gentleman that made the original post using his own powers of citizens arrest and asking the question of the Police, did you have permission to chase me?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:50 pm
by Zebedee

Interesting post - however I don't think you'll get too much support for your views here with previous threads being any kind of guide :)

While we may all have views about the suitability of the speed limits (personally I think they are a little low and could do with being raised by 10ish km/hr) the fact is, the speed limit is the limit and if you break it, you suffer the consequences.

To be blunt. If you don't agree with the limits, don't drive... Or get on the case of your local pollie to do something about it.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:59 pm
by Kinetic
Kanye wrote:Chill out guys, its not like he is raping people or murdering people.


I predict in the future you will see people the likes of the gentleman that made the original post using his own powers of citizens arrest and asking the question of the Police, did you have permission to chase me?
In some instances it practacally is murdering people. That is what people like you seem to forget.

You use a completely irrelevant hypothetical about an interesction that you seem to think actually raises a valid point.

Here is one for you:
The same intersection, the car travelling down the road is going at the speed noted in the OP, which is about 175km/h. A car pulls out since one does not expect a car travelling 175Km/h. The occupants of both cars die on impact. If the car was going at the speed limit, say 70Km/h, he is still 300m's away when the car pulls out.

All you example says, is that in some instance speeding will mean that you will not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Which ultimately has no overall effect, it does effect however the fact that you are more likely to create an accedent than someone travelling the speed limit, as oppose to just being in the wrong place wrong time.

Perhaps you can point to a study that say that speeding is OK??

Really your entire argument is so full of holes it is laughable.