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iMate JasJam

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:36 pm
by Ambul8
I have half heartedly brought one of these items on eBay - don't ask.

Does anyone here have them? If so, any tips, issues or things you would tell a new owner?

Any good software for it?


Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:06 pm
by Zebedee
I have the Dopod 838Pro which is the same device just with a different brand.

If yours comes with a sideways leather pouch, ditch it and get something else. Whenever I use the pouch, the hangup button always gets pressed when it rings and I take the phone out to answer it.

Other than that, I reckon it's a great phone. Does yours come with Windows Mobile 5 or 6?

One additional piece of software that I'd highly recommend is called SPB Phone Suite. When I had a smartphone based on Windows Mobile 2003 (the version before WM5), I loved the feature where the phone would set itself to meeting profile (no ring, just vibrate) during the time of an appointment in the calendar. No more having to remember to set your phone on silent when going into a meeting :)

Unfortunately that feature wasn't in WM5 and it wasn't in WM6 either. SPB Phone Suite addes that back and more.

It's not free, it's $20 US, but I thought it was worth it.

The battery life isn't too bad, obviously if you use WiFi or Bluetooth on it a lot the battery drains faster.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else super-important.

Hope you like the phone :)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:24 pm
by Ambul8
Cheers for that, Im well chuffed.

I think is has OS 5, not proper sure, but I guess either or will be fine.

Oh BTW, does it charge with a mini usb in the car?

Do u know where i can get a full car kit for it from?


Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:11 pm
by Zebedee
I'm glad you like it.

I wasn't thrilled with Windows Mobile 5 on my phone, I seemed to develop a knack for locking it up so it needed a pin reset to restart it :)

Changing to WM6 has improved things greatly. HTC, the manufacturer of the device recently purchased Dopod, and all 838Pros were eligible for a free OS upgrade.

Unfortunately I don't think that offer extended to the JasJam. However there are ways and means to flashing the JasJam's ROM to the Dopod WM6 image.

A good place to start would be here. (BTW "Hermes" is the name that HTC give to the device before it's rebranded JasJam, Dopod, etc). Because the ID inside the device doesn't say "Dopod" however, the ROM won't automatically update with the new firmware, so you need to tinker a bit. This page might help, but you're on your own if you do decide to flash the ROM, I've never tried any of this stuff :)

You'll notice the non-standard plug in the bottom of the phone - it's almost like a mini-USB but not quite :) That's because the headphone/microphone thingy plugs in there as well as mini-USB for charging, syncing with your PC, etc. A mini-USB plug will fit in there no probs. I've got one of those cigarette lighter to USB power adapters from Dick Smith, and a standard USB -> mini-USB cords in the car for charging.

As for full car kits ... yes you can get them, but they're not cheap. The only one I've found is the THB Bury from somewhere like Expansys. The idea is pretty nifty - you install (or have installed) the base unit, then the cradles for different types of phones just clip on and off. So in theory when you change phones down the track, you don't need to replace the whole car kit, just the cradle...

I got work to put the base unit and cradles for my Dopod and work's Sony Ericsson phone into my car. During the week the Sony cradle is attached. On weekends it gets swapped with the Dopod cradle.

You'll notice that on the back of the phone there's a rubber stopper covering an antenna port. So far I haven't found any car kits that support this. You're stuck with the phone's inbuilt antenna. Having said that, it seems pretty good at finding a tower and getting a signal from it, so unless you're in a dodgy reception area it shouldn't be too much of an issue (I hope!)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:12 pm
by Turbo
Hey Zebedee,

We have a couple of Dopod 838Pro's also!

For 6 months I have been trying to change the sms tone to a "non-default" one - is this possible?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:31 pm
by Ambul8
Turbo wrote:Hey Zebedee,

We have a couple of Dopod 838Pro's also!

For 6 months I have been trying to change the sms tone to a "non-default" one - is this possible?
God I hate it when u cant change from defult tone. I had a damn sony ericcson once that u had to use the standard. Hated it/

I hope with the JasJam u can use mp3's as ring tones....

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:37 pm
by BLiNG
I had a JasJam and it played .mp3 files as ringtones. You need to make sure the files are in the same directory as the default ringtones. (I now have a Dopod838 as well)

The best ROM for the Dopod and JasJam is here (Windows Mobile 6):

It is the only ROM that tweaks WM6 enough that it eliminates the needs to reset the phone when things suddenly stop working and I am yet to fault it. HTC have an official ROM now for Asia/Australia WM6 but it's still fairly buggy.

Flashing is a fairly simple process - but if you mess it up (I don't know how you could though) you are screwed. eg: if the flash doesn't complete you have a mini-boat anchor as there is no longer anywhere in Perth that fix them properly, it has to be sent to Queensland.

Just remember the following 2 things when it comes to flashing it:

1. Make sure your phone has plenty of charge, losing power during the flashing process will break it.
2. Don't interrupt the flashing process.

The flashing process is like this:

1. Download the ROM you want to flash to
2. Run the .exe you download and follow the on-screen instructions (plug in the phone, get a coffee etc)
3. Flash.

Fairly simple.

As for other good software, I wouldn't run too much custom stuff as Windows will lag eventually. I run a custom comms manager, a custom 'today' front end (with a weekly weather forecast, quick contact manager, and quick message display) and a remote desktop client so I can access my PC from anywhere I have signal.


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:49 pm
by Ambul8
BLiNG wrote:
As for other good software, I wouldn't run too much custom stuff as Windows will lag eventually. I run a custom comms manager, a custom 'today' front end (with a weekly weather forecast, quick contact manager, and quick message display) and a remote desktop client so I can access my PC from anywhere I have signal.

where did u find such addons

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:03 pm
by Turbo
BLiNG wrote:I had a JasJam and it played .mp3 files as ringtones. You need to make sure the files are in the same directory as the default ringtones. (I now have a Dopod838 as well)
Dont have an issue with ring tones - its the sms tones. I copy them to the folder the default ones they are in and still nothing. Try it youself.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:10 pm
by Zebedee
Turbo wrote:Hey Zebedee,

We have a couple of Dopod 838Pro's also!

For 6 months I have been trying to change the sms tone to a "non-default" one - is this possible?
I'm sure it is ... I'll have a tinker tonight and see what I can figure out :)

I think the audio has to be either WAV or WMA off the top of my head, but I haven't tested that yet so don't hold me to it!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:19 pm
by Ambul8
Zebedee wrote: I'm sure it is ... I'll have a tinker tonight and see what I can figure out :)

I think the audio has to be either WAV or WMA off the top of my head, but I haven't tested that yet so don't hold me to it!
Hey Doug,

Did u ever figure this out.

Phones is great. Runs WM6. Just cant change the SMS tone.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:55 pm
by silent_wingz
I have a jasjam as well, I have never been able to change the standard sms tones.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:40 am
by Zebedee
Haha - oops, I had a senior moment there and completely forgot about it...

I'll see what I can find out today. Beats doing real work :)

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:25 pm
by Zebedee
OK, after a bit of Googling, and some fiddling about, I think I've figured out how it all works :)

There seems to be various schools of thought over what works. I tried two methods and got it to work both times, so hopefully one of these should work for others too. Here's what I did - excuse the great detail, but I want to make sure that others can replicate my steps.

1) First of all I needed some sounds to test with. I went to this website and downloaded an MP3 and a WAV file. The two files were the Police Pass By in MP3 format and Airhorn in WAV format. I saved them both to the hard drive of my PC.

2) Next, I cradled my Dopod and let it ActiveSync etc. From Windows XP, I opened My Computer and expanded out Mobile Device / My Windows Mobile-Based Device / Windows folder. I copied the airhorn.wav file into there.

3) I then copied the policepass.mp3 file to Mobile Device / My Windows Mobile-Based Device / Storage Card / My Documents folder.

4) With the phone still cradled (but this shouldn't make any difference that I can see), I clicked on Start (on the phone) / Settings / Sounds and Notifications / Notifications.

5) Pulling down the Event drop-down list, I chose Messaging: New text message, then changed the sound from SMS to Airhorn. After clicking OK, I sent myself a text message from my work mobile. It worked!

6) Going back, I changed the sound from Airhorn to Policepass , clicked OK again and sent myself another SMS ... and that worked too.

So, it looks like the sound file can be in WAV or MP3 format, and stored either in the Windows folder on the device, or in your My Documents folder (which I have redirected to the storage card on my setup...)

It may also be possible to use the WMA format as well, but I didn't test for this.

Last of all, there's third party products that extend this functionality so you can have custom ring and SMS tones for different people in your contacts list. One program I noticed while Google searching was called PhoneAlarm by Pocketmax Software. After a very quick glance, it looked like it might have a few features in there that people could be interested in. It costs €18.50 and you can pay for it with Paypal...

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:08 pm
by Turbo
Doesnt work for me Doug?

The only thing I do differently is bluetooth the file to my phone but I dont see why that would change anything?

The files in the drop down list are only the default ones for me.