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Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:06 am
by jmmw ... 61,00.html

Am i the only one who finds that odd?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:22 am
by eswife
That is odd!! Maybe they helped afterwards!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:50 am
by gkoutlis
Is it a regular thing that SES guys go out to House fires???

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:20 am
by jmmw

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:33 am
by Tom
Why is it odd?

eswife, is thinking along the right tracks.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:35 am
by jmmw
well i hope when my house starts to burn down i get fire trucks not a landy and a rescue trailer!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:14 pm
by Tom
Yes but what about when your house has suffered a fire and you have holes in your roof? Who do you think is going to come and do a temporary patch-up job when it's raining?

It is a pretty uninformative article, doesn't mention anything about the FRS crews that attended.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:26 pm
by Antt
They would have only attended to the house fire afterwards to prevent further damage from occurring. They would have not attended to put out the fire as we don't have that capability, some units are weekend warriors but there not that keen.

I'm pretty sure your right Tom it would have been to assist in tarping a roof either to prevent further water damage from the rain, and or to preserve the crime scene. Possibly to assist in structural integrity.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:33 pm
by jmmw
i understand that but i ownder why it was mentioned?

Weekend warriors?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:14 pm
by Tom
jmmw, I know more but I can't say. They might be 'weekend warriors' as you put it, but one day it might be you that is in need.

Yeah I dunno either, but I admire all the good work the SES vollies put in when our communities are in need.

In fact if it wasn't for vollies this state wouldn't be the fantastic place it is too live.

Personally with the Govt purse-strings buldging, I think their should be more than 4 career country FRS stations and more SJA paid paramedics in country and remote WA.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:15 pm
by jmmw
ummm noooo i mean what are they?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:03 pm
by Tyranus
I know stirling turned up to the one fire that happened in the morning in Balga, not sure about the second one...Our job was to tarp the roof and protect it from further damage from the weather.
So Jmmw yes we do occasionally get called to a house that was on fire.