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WAPOL Application

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:48 pm
by Schism_
Hey everyone,

Having previously applied for WAPOL, I went through all the application processes and even made it to the academy for physical evaluation, job interviews etc. But was declined, due to my lack of confidence. After being rejected I sort of let my fitness go and you can guess the rest. Now, I have decided to re-apply after 2 years, but before I do so, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to get fit. I know there's some training guidelines on the Step Forward website, but would like to know other peoples techniques in aid to get myself back into shape, and hopefully into the academy. All input will be greatly appreciated.



Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:34 am
by HM-106
Hey mate,

Good work on making the step forward.

Well instead of telling you what i do at the moment and how i got there, it would be much better to do the following so you can see what level you are at, at this present time.

I would be doing a Beep Test Trail. Just Measure where you are at now at the moment, you might be surprised. Remembering the requirements is 10.1 for 19-29, 30-39 is 9.1 and 40+ is 8.1. This gives you an idea where you are, and if your lacking in this area, makes you motivate your self to get to the required level.

Also would be doing a 2km run, just to assess where you are. Only do this once to see where you are at. You should be running at the best you can, if you need to walk, then walk, but just time yourself how fast you can do 2km in.

After that trail, i would be going back to light walking (maybe doing 20-30min, every 2days) then stepping it up down the track with light jogging(20-30min) and increasing it further when you feel is right.

Never! NEVER! go too hard too fast! People who do that are losers and you will not be gaining anything from it, just a very sore body and might delay your application process.

This is all, in fact, depending on how active you are, if you smoke, if you regularly run, go to the gym etc etc. Your eating patterns. I would be definitly considering just starting at the start, so your not skipping anything major.

The MAIN key is to get your body up to strength, working the muscles and tedons to get it used to running, gyming. STRETCH before AND after runs/gym. If you feel pain, STOP, never ride through pain at the start. Listen to your body and respond accordingly. If you run one day and it takes a good 3-4 days to recover (sore leg muscles, sore knee etc), then wait those 3-4days, dont run on the 2nd day, your just increasing the chance of serious injury. If you want to go to a gym to buff up abit, do some full-body work outs to start with (most gyms have a trainer who can show you some workouts). This allows the whole body to strengthen up, getting it used to excerising and getting it ready for bigger obstacles ahead. Some are, Push-ups, SQUATS (<<----), Lunges, etc.

So yeah,

1 - Beep Test Trail
2 - Best 2km Time

Come back to us with that information and some further details into your past, such as, do you regularly run at the moment? do you gym? what is your current occupation?.

Please dont come back to us with a false time or beep test level. Not doing any favours by lieing. No one is gonna put you down if you can only do lvl 7-8 on beep. Its just a starting guide and sort of gets yourself motivated into achieving your goal.

Hopefully this helps abit. Good work on applying.


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:30 am
by Schism_
Thanks for the info!! I haven't done a beep test in 2 years since I applied, I got a 12.4 when I did it at the academy, but I have a feeling that I won't get anywhere near that this time. I currently manage a fast food restaurant, not a very good job, but good money I guess. I think I will just start the good old "Find 30" and begin with walking and slowly picking up the pace, then perhaps move onto a beep test.

Cheers for the help


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:01 pm
by HM-106
Yea. I like assessing where i am at the start of my training so that in the later stages of my training, i can see how much i progressed, giving me that extra motivation and confidence that i am progressing well through my training.

For example, that you got say lvl 8 on the beep test when you first started, then say 3-4 weeks into your training you do another beep test, this time arriving at lvl 9.3. You feel a whole lot better that your training is working and motivates yourself to reach your goal.

For Cardio Workouts try to look at this link ... 0Event.pdf

And a great routine/guide is this.

Hope this helps.


Re: WAPOL Application

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:07 pm
by Kinetic
Schism_ wrote:Hey everyone,

Having previously applied for WAPOL, I went through all the application processes and even made it to the academy for physical evaluation, job interviews etc. But was declined, due to my lack of confidence. After being rejected I sort of let my fitness go and you can guess the rest. Now, I have decided to re-apply after 2 years, but before I do so, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to get fit. I know there's some training guidelines on the Step Forward website, but would like to know other peoples techniques in aid to get myself back into shape, and hopefully into the academy. All input will be greatly appreciated.


It depends on where you are at now, and how long you have before the test.

I would personally start off doing weights only - no cardio. A mistake people (including myself when I started cardio training) make is to not have the muscle mass to jog easily - and cadio doesn't build muscle mass effectively (Unless you do HIIT)

It doesn't matter how fit you are, if you don't have much muscle to propel yourself along the amount of muscle you do have will make you tire quickly. (You don't need to be huge, just not a twig like I was)

So - Start with Weights for 4 - 6 weeks, no cardio. Make sure you spread the workout to full body, not just legs or upper body. The most important one is SQUATS. You must do SQUATS. If you haven't done them for a while, or ever before - you will be sore for the next 3 - 4 days the first time.

I disagree with taking it easy, particularly with weights - as muscle building occurs via tiny tears in the muscles (Which is why they hurt). If you these muscles don't get stressed they won't build.

The key with any weights workout is to to reps until failure. You should be looking at doing 4 sets of 8 - 12 repititions for each exercise. Remember these or not 8 - 12 easy reps, but you should be to stuffed to keep going after 8 - 12 reps.

After that move into cardio - That timed workout guide is a good one - it's far better to aim for a time then a distance as mentioned above (IE run 2kms no matter how long it takes is not that effective)

The if your trying to lose weight too you will find that you lose weight when you starts weights, which will plateua after 4 - 6 weeks, then will accelate again after starting cardio.

Then keep at cardio until the test (6 weeks or so)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:37 pm
by Schism_
Thanks heaps for the info guys, have taken it on board and joined the gym today, and have a personal trainer to show me the ropes in what it is that I really want to acheive.



Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:06 pm
by Markmywords
Good Luck cameron with it all !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:47 pm
by Schism_
Thanks for the comment MMW!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:55 pm
by Schism_
I think my biggest downfall will be the beep test, but as Kinetic said I should try to at least build some muscle in my legs and body before I even attempt cardio, I sort of let my health slip after the initial declination of my first application. I will say though, there expectations are a tad high in regards to the beep test, a 10.1 is hard to reach, even when I have reached it before. When I did the initial training, there were 35 of us, and only 15 passed the beep test. A few of the guys were from the Army and they said it was ridiculous, as they only go to 7.5, so do a few of the other State police forces. Thats my input :P

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:00 pm
by Tyranus
Yeah but army is relying a lot on stamina. Police you're gonna hop out the car and sprint after the bad dude, zig zagging and stuff. Where as army, you wanna get out quick, but then be able to run a couple of K's at the one speed, or be able to walk for a full day, with only very short breaks, as such there'd be little need for you to be doing the short stop starts, until the excrement hits the fan so to speak.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:04 pm
by Schism_
Yeah I see what you mean, I didn't find it hard the first time, it was just the feedback I got from a few of the people that didn't pass. I was more shocked at how the trainer basically told everyone to P.O.Q because they didn't pass their beep test, I failed it the first day, and was lucky enough to come back 3 days later to do it again. Would have been nice of them to at least let people finish the training, and be assessed on everything, rather than come back and do the entire thing again.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:33 am
by HM-106
Yea. But dont think its a kids game, they are there to disclipine you and make you sweat till you cant sweat no more. Dont expect to be treated softly. You dont want to fail any part of the physical as many other ppl have worked just as hard to get to lvl 10.1. I feel that at times people hardly train before going into the physical, then get upset that they didnt pass. Takes a good time of dedication/motivation to achieve the level they want. One of the people in my pshyical exam didnt pass the first test which was doing one police sit-up. She was told to leave and she left in tears.

10.1 is high in the beep test level, but thats what they want, if you dont like it, go to another state. I had a fair bitch about it to myself when i was training, but it just reinforced that i am here to prove that i can do this.

If you get into the academy, expect to be running up to 10km.


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:49 pm
by Schism_
Yeah, it was a shock to me how full on it was, some people were puffed after the warm up.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:58 pm
by GC101
doing your sprints some long distance jogging, stength training will help

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:05 am
by Markmywords
How longs the training just outta curiosity ? and is the pass rate 100% in all parts of your course ?