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Traffic Escort

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:47 pm
by orac68
I Was on Roe Highway earlier today and got held up at the Roe/Tonkin overpass with a red light for about 5min while 2 articulated loads exited Tonkin and entered Roe heading North.

Must have been some special arrangement made with Main Roads to get the TCLs changed as required.

These loads had to me manually steered from the rear bogy to get round the corner hence the long wait to get going again and I think the need to get the lights controlled at the intersection.

Was interesting to see this guy hanging off the back of the load steering the bogy :P

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:47 pm
by GC101

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:16 am
by dave
Any traffic controller, pilot vehicle driver, police officer has the authority to get traffic lights changed(with good reason of coarse) all you need to do is ring traffic opps and be able to identify yourself.

Police and Pilot vehicle driver also has the authority to direct traffic against a red light, though a traffic controller does not.

To get traffic lights changed takes as little as 3 minutes(providing you have identified yourself to which they are satisfied), the GOLDEN rule of getting them changed is that you must ring and get lights changed back to normal, which has not always happened in the past

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:42 am
by godinoz
[quote="dave"]Any traffic controller, pilot vehicle driver, police officer has the authority to get traffic lights changed(with good reason of coarse) all you need to do is ring traffic opps and be able to identify yourself.

Police and Pilot vehicle driver also has the authority to direct traffic against a red light, though a traffic controller does not.[quote]

Pilot vehicle drivers are now known as authorised persons gazatted by the Commish of WAPOL.
They are not allowed to go through red TCL's but may go into an intersection on the green and take control.
Its a very sticky area, but if you go with the traffic flow there is never a problem.
Remember. The pilot is there to protect the public from the oversize load...

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:58 pm
by dave
godinoz wrote:
dave wrote:Any traffic controller, pilot vehicle driver, police officer has the authority to get traffic lights changed(with good reason of coarse) all you need to do is ring traffic opps and be able to identify yourself.

Police and Pilot vehicle driver also has the authority to direct traffic against a red light, though a traffic controller does not.

Pilot vehicle drivers are now known as authorised persons gazatted by the Commish of WAPOL.
They are not allowed to go through red TCL's but may go into an intersection on the green and take control.
Its a very sticky area, but if you go with the traffic flow there is never a problem.
Remember. The pilot is there to protect the public from the oversize load...
when I say direct traffic against a red light i don't mean they drive through a red light, i mean they can literally control an intersection as a pointsman, and have vehicles directed against the red light

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:31 am
by Hm681
if ur traffic controller and the lights are out and u ring the police , r u aloud to do points duty tol wapol gets there

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:35 pm
by dave
Hm681 wrote:if ur traffic controller and the lights are out and u ring the police , r u aloud to do points duty tol wapol gets there
I don't see why not, but I would be ensuring I had the appropiate safety geat on before I went into the middle of a major intersection....on second thoughts, the police can handle it. If I get hit by a car, who's insurance company will pay out???

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 2:26 am
by dazla
I would be very wary of this, just let the Police handle it, why get involved if you dont have to??