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Input Required - Dedicated Severe Weather Broadcast

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:30 pm
by gkoutlis
Hey guys,

Just after your opinion into the above topic - and I know its not Scanning related but yeah....

On a day like today, I am seeing on the BOM website of a pretty strong Cold Front, I was wondering if we could have a sticky or a dedicated post place to put up a Road Weather Alert and or Sever Weather Alert broadcasts on here so people know...

What do you guys think of this?


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:32 pm
by Brett
I'd appreciate this for my arvo show. I'm spending a lot of time on this site for info that we really never seem to get so a weather and forcasts section would be an advantage.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:48 pm
by pinkbosseslady
Thats Jeff Newmans job

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:10 pm
by Zebedee
Mr G,

That's a good suggestion and perhaps we could take it even further...

This is off the top of my head and I haven't really sat and thought about it properly yet, but would people (especially our forum members from the media) find it useful to have a single thread topic that they could monitor that specifically dealt with traffic matters?

Take for example the sticky'd thread for pursuits in the WAPOL section. We could perhaps put another sticky'd thread in either the General or General Scanning areas that people could post things like traffic crashes that are holding everyone up, escaped livestock, powerlines down, localised flooding/weather hassles, roads closed due to bushfire smoke, all that sort of thing?

If such a topic were created would people be up for contributing to it?

Please give me feedback and feel welcome to either tell me it's a brilliant idea, or tell me that I'm insane and the men in the white coats will be along shortly :)

PS: Rain radar view from BoM for Perth can be found here if you've never seen it before...


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:14 pm
by Brett
Doug, I'd been keen and would use that section of the forum for TA's and the likes rather extensivly as I'm on-air from 2pm to 7pm Monday to Friday.

Also another great weather site I've used more than the BOM site is

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:17 pm
by Brett
Actually Doug, further to my last post, what about a "Current Events" section of the site where details of events go up as well as updates to that particular event in that site but make sure it doen't go on to various comments that don't directly relate to that event.

I think that's probably be better than a "Sticky" so we can just refresh the screen and see the events as a topic.

Thoughts on that?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:26 pm
by gkoutlis
Thanks guys for your positive responses into this, I am really glad to have gotten such great views from all... I for one would love to put in the info if need be, so you can count me in....

A perfect example - Today's storm in Perth (although I am not there till Sat) - I still check BOM - and there is a Road Weather Alert - so I think something like that will be good to keep our fellow people up to date with what to expect on the Roads etc....

So keep your thoughts coming in, and yeah would love to see this through as long as everyone is happy with it.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:32 pm
by Zebedee

Your idea of a "current events" certainly has merit if it were a section all of it's own. However the reason I was thinking of chucking all the traffic stuff into one thread was in response to a query I had via PM the other day.

The question was, is there a way of monitoring a forum section for new posts and being notified via email, in the same way that you can be notified by email of additional posts within a specific thread.

Despite some searching by both myself and the person who asked the question, neither of us could find an easy way to do it.

So the advantage that a single thread would have is that the likes of yourself, Joss, Turbo and anyone else who's interested could get an email update as soon as someone posted in the "Road Alert" thread.

What do you reckon to my logic on that one? :)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:58 pm
by Brett
I like it!

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:58 pm
by Zebedee
Brett wrote:I like it!
Cool, then as the genie said ... "your wish is my command" :) Full credit to Mr G for starting the ball rolling on this one!

I've created a topic in the General section called Road Alert and sticky'd it. The first post has some guidelines and instructions.

Anyone who's interested, please go and check it out and give me feedback on what they think to my draft guidelines - are they OK or could they do with some tweaking?


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:10 am
by gkoutlis
Zeb, The Sticky looks perfect -Thankyou heaps for helping, and thanks to all who put up your opinion on this...

I have a feeling with a bit of time - the sticky will prove to be a huge success in the means of alerting people of potential traffic chaos i.e Burst Water Main that shut down the Fwy couple of months back..... and yeah any Road Weather Alerts (hazardous driving conditions) - and Accidents to help people avoid the area....

So great job by Zeb and to all

G 8)

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:12 am
by Brett
Yep great work, this'll be a huge help. Done well lads!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:20 am
by connor
Brett wrote:Yep great work, this'll be a huge help. Done well lads!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:03 am
by Brett
Conner, if you have an issue, PM me and tell me but don't air your dirty laundry out in public where it doesn't want to be heard.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:46 pm
by Antt
Hey guys just been put on Standby by SES for a potential big destructive storm coming our way

heres a link

they are getting a bit worried about this one from what i hear take care everyone
