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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:38 am
by d0t-bat
Markmywords wrote:
Cameron wrote: Expected a caution? Nope. Would have made an interesting day in court though, I've got the spare time and the inclination to fight those kind of things.
You should just suck it up if you have got a ticket why waste tax payers money trying to defend something that you obviously would never win.

Rules are there for a reason (and yes people do and don't agree with them the powers to be make them so we follow them) if we didn't have rules we would have total anarchy on the road.

If you break them you should be penalized.

We do have some emerency workers here both paid n volunteer and they dont enjoy going to fatal accidents for a start and to say your insurance would be void straight away !!!
Waste tax payers money trying to defend something that you obviously would never win? Are you serious? First of all id assume he IS a tax payer and has every bloody right to defend it in court, a system appointed so regular people can have a voice in the first place!

Rules being there doesn't meant that are RIGHT.

I understand your Emergency worker argument however, that is part of the job. As insensitive as it sounds, the amount of people dying on WA roads is an insignificant amount compared to WA's population and size. It really is not even a blip on the radar. Going off on tangents that speeding is the major culprit is just bullshit. Even the governments own figures clearly show speeding isn't a major factor, its just a contributing factor.

Also instead of bullshit penalties, hows about some one gains the gonads and make it an actual difficulty in obtaining a drivers license? compulsory extensive driver training at your own expense, compulsory vehicle maintenance with a "stamp" book (meaning if you do it yourself, or at a workshop, just need to get the book stamped saying everything is in order) start driver education earlier. showing movies or ads about drink driving or speeding do fuck all, people don't relate to it unless they have experienced it in person. Seeing an EMS worker pulling out a body of a car in a TV ad isnt as affective as the politicians and morons seem to think it is.

anyway thats all from me. <_<

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:56 am
by vk6hgr
d0t-bat wrote: Also instead of bullshit penalties, hows about some one gains the gonads and make it an actual difficulty in obtaining a drivers license?
After the options are weighed, it's easier for the government to ramp up the "speed is evil" campaign and buy more cameras than do this or any of the other things that have been suggested in this thread.

While we continue to expect that receiving a drivers license is a given as a rite of passage when you turn 17 we're not going to have any great lasting effect on road trauma.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:58 am
by Cameron
Markmywords wrote:You should just suck it up if you hadve got a ticket why waste tax payers money trying to defend something that you obviously would never win.
Obviously never win? Defeatist... ;)
Rules are there for a reason (and yes people do and dont agree with them the powers to be make them so we follow them) if we didnt have rules we would have total anarchy on the road.
Settle down lass. Total anarchy on the road? I doubt we'd shift into mad-max-esque road warrior style justice any time soon.
If you break them you should be penalised.
And what happens when the penalty does not match the "crime"? The current road legislation is fundamentally broken. As it stands the system supports punishment under situations where I cause zero harm to anybody else, remaining alert and functional and maintaining a perfectly safe vehicle and road manner, but if I was driving drunk, completely out of my mind I the punishment is far less. I cannot respect a system so clearly out of 'whack'.
We do have some emerency workers here both paid n volunteer and they dont enjoy going to fatal accidents for a start and to say your insurance would be void straight away !!!
My St John Ambulance training is, I still believe, current and my application for the WA Police service is in. I've had friends hit by cars, I've known people who have had rather serious bike accidents. None of this changes my opinion of the piss poor road rules and horrible driver training schemes.

Every time some idiot wipes himself out, I feel for the poor bastards having to clean them up and the people they left behind. If you actually take a good look at the facts behind these incidents though, you'll very quickly find that speeding alone is not the cause behind these.

As I said before, you can be dangerous at any speed you choose. Doing 140 on the freeway is not automatically dangerous. Trying to do 140 on the freeway in peak hour traffic is god-damn retarded. If you're going to take such a black and white view of these things without taking any context into consideration, then you truly are an ignorant sod and you have my deepest pity.
Tyranus wrote:Haha that's a classic!

Ahhh cameron, but driving at faster speeds than necessary can hurt other people, not just physically, but if you hit a tree and wipe yourself out.
I've said this a few times, but it doesn't appear to be sinking in.

Speed alone is not dangerous, the conditions I was in were not dangerous.
If I was driving through sheets of rain, I wouldn't have made the move. If I was on a tree lined back road full of squirrels, I wouldn't have made the move.

For the road conditions at the time, it was appropriate. Real life is not cut and dry, laws should not be either. There is no victim with sensible road use, and sensible road use means actually thinking for yourself and making calls based on the 'state of play' at the time, not just blindly following some arbitrary, broken rulebook.
Think about the lads and lasses that have to extract you and remove you, then explain to your NOK that you decided you wanted to become a hippy in a hurry.
See previous comments re: emergency services. A "hippy" though? Aren't they generally driving Mazda Bongo vans at 80kph, pissing out unburned fuel and oil while the poorly fixed wheel nuts work themselves loose?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:07 am
by Markmywords
[quote="Cameron"] [quote] and my application for the WA Police service is in.

Well if you ever get in you should rememeber not to book anyone for speeding ;) going on your view :) otherwise that could make you a hypocrite.

And if one of your friends/family were killed by a speeding driver (even though he or she thought it was safe to do so) i dont think you would be dancing round a fire singing kooom ba yar.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:37 am
by Cameron
Markmywords wrote:Well if you ever get in you should rememeber not to book anyone for speeding ;) going on your view :) otherwise that could make you a hypocrite.

And if one of your friends/family were killed by a speeding driver (even though he or she thought it was safe to do so) i dont think you would be dancing round a fire singing kooom ba yar.
Are you just selecting out the words you want to read and ignoring the rest, or are you actually mildly retarded?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:47 am
by Markmywords
Cameron wrote: Are you just selecting out the words you want to read and ignoring the rest, or are you actually mildly retarded?
Mildly retarded is if you have to spend a few weeks in the Shenton Park Rehabilation Centre.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:08 am
by Cameron
Markmywords wrote:Mildly retarded is if you have to spend a few weeks in the Shenton Park Rehabilation Centre.
Again, you're missing the point. I wish I could say that surprises me.

Speeding and dangerous driving are not mutually exclusive concepts.

There are a lot of people in shents that are there through no fault of their own, but you go right ahead and tar everybody with the same brush if it makes you feel like a bigger man. :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:43 pm
by Toottoot
Cameron wrote:If I had my way, everybody who can't use a round-a-bout correctly would be systematically bricked in the face, I'm not about to suggest government bodies should control that any moreso though.
but you think you should be able to do 140kmph.

Why should other people have to follow the law and not you? These roundabout users may also share a misguided belief that their way of navigating through a roundabout is safer than the law.
Cameron wrote:There's a great number of roads out there with speed limits drastically low, modern vehicles on decent highway roads are certainly more than capable of maintaining 130kph safely
I agree there may be cars that are safe enough to drive at this speed but I dont believe that this is even a safe speed on the freeway. One little old lady drops her lipstick and its all over. Its like running Japanese bullet trains at 300kmph on the Armadale train line - they would probably end up in someones backyard.

Cameron, which roads do you believe need speed limit increases?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:29 pm
by JPhillips
Toottoot wrote:
Cameron wrote:If I had my way, everybody who can't use a round-a-bout correctly would be systematically bricked in the face, I'm not about to suggest government bodies should control that any moreso though.
but you think you should be able to do 140kmph.

Why should other people have to follow the law and not you? These roundabout users may also share a misguided belief that their way of navigating through a roundabout is safer than the law.
Cameron wrote:There's a great number of roads out there with speed limits drastically low, modern vehicles on decent highway roads are certainly more than capable of maintaining 130kph safely
I agree there may be cars that are safe enough to drive at this speed but I dont believe that this is even a safe speed on the freeway. One little old lady drops her lipstick and its all over. Its like running Japanese bullet trains at 300kmph on the Armadale train line - they would probably end up in someones backyard.

Cameron, which roads do you believe need speed limit increases?
As he said earlier he was doing 140km/h overtaking a road train. I would do the exact same thing, maybe if the goverment made the straight bits longer on some roads people wouldnt speed as much. Ive done this with a cop behind me (on p plates) overtaking a road train at 150km/h and he followed me and once i slowed back down to speed limit he over took me. So are you saying he should book himself??????

Another point is that its not always us who causes accident. Today on the way home on leach highway i hit a huge puddle of water and i was slowed down from about 80km/h to about 40/50km/h in about 2 seconds. Luckely there was no cars behind me or it could of cause a rear-ender (which would of cause a pile up i presume)

Just my 2 cents worth



Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:46 pm
by playworth

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:54 pm
by Cameron
Toottoot wrote:but you think you should be able to do 140kmph.
Under some conditions, sure. I'm most comfortable at about 125 for most of my highway and distance driving though.
Why should other people have to follow the law and not you? These roundabout users may also share a misguided belief that their way of navigating through a roundabout is safer than the law.
If you read my comment instead of just foaming at the mouth and getting your best V-neck pullover all messed up, you'd have noticed I said that I don't think the government should mandate that level of idiocy. If somebody can't navigate a round-a-bout correctly, it's more a good sign I should just stay the hell away from them.
I agree there may be cars that are safe enough to drive at this speed but I dont believe that this is even a safe speed on the freeway. One little old lady drops her lipstick and its all over. Its like running Japanese bullet trains at 300kmph on the Armadale train line - they would probably end up in someones backyard.
Again, it's contextual and clearly something you didn't bother reading. Traffic conditions allowing, 130+ is clearly safe on the freeway. Also, what's the silly bitch doing playing with lipstick while driving in your imaginary scenario? In my eyes, she would be the one causing an accident because she's not paying any damn attention to the road.
Cameron, which roads do you believe need speed limit increases?
You want me to list them all? A lot of the country roads in the state could do with a 20kph limit increase.

Not sure why I'm bothering to carry this on. It's pretty clear I'm arguing with a mob of basement dwelling radio jockeys that need to put on a clean anorak and get some damn sunlight in their lives. There's a big, bad world out there, you kids should get out amongst it.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:16 pm
by HM-106
I hope cameron if and when you join the agency and join the family, you will uphold the law no matter how insignificant the law might sound to you and that you will also follow the rules that the service upholds.

Right at this time mate, with what you have confessed in your last 10-12 comments, you wouldnt have a chance of becoming successful. Hopefully Recruiting does not find out bud.


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:22 pm
by Toottoot
HM-106 wrote:I hope cameron if and when you join the agency and join the family, you will uphold the law no matter how insignificant the law might sound to you and that you will also follow the rules that the service upholds.

Right at this time mate, with what you have confessed in your last 10-12 comments, you wouldnt have a chance of becoming successful. Hopefully Recruiting does not find out bud.

I hope they do.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:58 pm
by westernwedgey
Cameron wrote:There are a lot of people in shents that are there through no fault of their own
What, you mean like they might have been innocently and safely driving on a country road when some dickhead doing 140km's is overtaking a truck coming towards them and doesn't see a roo jumping onto the road and this idiot ends up causing a crash because
A/ some idiot can drive quite safely full of self importance at 140km's :roll:
B/ couldn't see the roo because it was "hidden" by the truck as this idiot was overtaking and couldn't see it till it was too late :shock:
C/ this idot was SPEEDING thus reducing time to correct or make a safe path between all 3 objects on the road

Many PROFFESIONAL DRIVERS that are very good driving at high speeds have died at the wheel thinking along the same lines as you...

Perhaps take a while to think what you are displaying to other drivers while driving in the fashion you have stated...or should i say setting a very bad example.

By all means drive like that if you feel you must, but what are you REALLY achieving...self servience or is there some greater community benefit I'm failing to see hear.

Better being 5 mins late than dead on arrival...and not killing the innocent.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:01 pm
by Toottoot
Toottoot wrote:Cameron, which roads do you believe need speed limit increases?
Cameron wrote: You want me to list them all? A lot of the country roads in the state could do with a 20kph limit increase.
I cant quite make out from this which roads exactly that you mean. Dont list them all - just say your top ten.