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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:18 am
by just.nosey
When Div79 (renamed M.I.G.) was 1st formed in 1979 each car had a detective and was usually driven by someone who was ex traffic but they had to be pursuit qualified and in those days the only pursuit qualified drivers were in traffic or were ex traffic.

It then became a prerequisite for a person applying for a spot at Div79 that amoungst other things that they were pursuit qualified.

These days in the criteria for applying for M.I.G. being pursuit qualified is still highly desirable but not essential as it once was.

I can remember the early days when M.I.G. was all male and female coppers knew not to apply as they had no chance of getting in.

This changed roughly 5 or 6 (maybe more now I think about it possibly 10) years ago now with at least one of them moving on from there as Det. Snr. Sgt. and becoming an Inspector.

I have seen the ladies driving the cars on nightshift patrol whether they are pursuit qualified or not I do not know however it would be reasonable to assume they are, as I do know other female coppers who are pursuit qualified.

There was a grand plan to make all Operational Police Officers Pursuit Qualified but while it hasn't been scrapped it's been on the back burner for a very long time.

One suggestion that was put forward and that was being looked at was to include the Pursuit Qualification in the courses that must be completed before they go bush, However, as far as I know this hasn't happend.

Perhaps Chev or Danny (and welcome aboard to both of you btw) could throw some light on the current plan if there is one.?

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:58 pm
by danny
I dont think they will ever be able to train all Police as Pursuit drivers before they go bush.

The thing about being in the bush, you may be able to outrun a car, but you cant outrun a radio or telephone :)

You get selected for a Pursuit Course if the spot you are at requires it, ie Traffic, MIGS, ROGS etc. Officers at these spots etc normally get first priority over others, but thats not to say bush coppers dont get trained because they do.

No point in putting a copper on a pursuit course if he is not out there on the front line or if there are no traffic cars at the station they are based at.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:15 pm
by G
At the end of the day for example, unless you are chasing someone from the start to the end of the Nullabor the SV6 (or any V6 supercharged vehicle) is a better choice. They are lighter, use less fuel, they weigh less which of course means they handle better in emergency driving, they cost less, and are much quicker then a V8 for acceleration. The one and only advantage of the Police going to V8 is the top end power which I believe is an advantage they would never need.
- hitman

Check this link...

Give me a V8...


Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:27 pm
by Ludacris
A chase across the Nullabor, who would have thought LOL

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:29 pm
by danny
Ludacris wrote:
danny wrote: No point in putting a copper on a pursuit course if he is not out there on the front line or if there are no traffic cars at the station they are based at.

Just my 2 cents worth.
We don't have a traffic car at our office..... We have a Pursuit Car :lol:
Hehehe ok ill pay that..

does it have a chip and go fast motor?? all the pursuit cars have them dont they!! :shock:

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:20 pm
by Zebedee
danny wrote:
Zebedee wrote: It makes me chuckle though - "Welcome to the WA Police. Congratulations on becoming a constable. Now you get to stand out in the middle of a dark street, at night, in the rain, freezing your bollocks off. Have fun!" :lol:
Yeah but with that builds character, not only that but being on the booze buss means they have the ability to speak to hundreds of customers a night, and with speaking to that many people, they can only build confidence within themselves :)
And if they can come out of it the other side with a sense of humour still, it can only be good for everyone :)