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Leavers 05

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:08 am
by pinkbosseslady

I was wondering what channels would be used by the police in dunsborough? In previous years have they kept the same ones or are they doing something new this year.

Also any other frequencys that could be good to listen to down there


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:15 pm
by Zebedee
According to the WA Police list of Country Frequencies which is on the Police Frequencies and Callsigns page of the forum...

Dunsborough police use channel 29, 468.550 (and also for places like Busselton, Capel, Margaret River.)

They may also take down a portable repeater and set up another channel, similar to how they do at the Royal Show etc. I guess it all depends on how much radio traffic there is and if they want to run the Leavers exercise separately from the rest of the radio traffic in those towns...

If you have a scanner with enough channel slots, why not just program all 64 in and set it to scan them all? Then just note down which ones you hear stuff on from wherever you happen to be...

EDIT: Terrible grammar :-)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:51 pm
by stevesperformance
Hi There,
Thats right ,they will be using ch 29.The will also be using ch 42 after 9.00pm most nights. They used this channel last year also.The reason for this is so they tied up ch 29 , as busselton and margaret river boys use this channel also.Great to listen the cops on schoolies week.
One more thing i live in margaret river.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:52 pm
by radiohead
They have portable repeaters? :shock:

How big would it be Zeb?

Jo :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:56 pm
by vk6hgr
radiohead wrote:They have portable repeaters? :shock:

How big would it be Zeb?
Although I haven't seen a police one, A portable UHF repeater (TX/RX radio, cavity filter, controller, battery) could comfortably fit in a briefcase.

The antenna and mast is a different story however :-)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:36 pm
by Zebedee
radiohead wrote:They have portable repeaters? :shock:
Well I *think* they do ... I'm sure I heard a reference to a portable repeater years ago and it might have had something to do with the Royal show...

Now you're making me doubt myself ... maybe I imagined it ...

Gahhhhh!!!!! :?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:16 pm
by Steve
I saw a portable VKI repeater some years ago on a search in hilly terrain. It was a Toyota Landcruiser 'troop carrier' with a couple of telescopic masts with antennas mounted on top and the electonics in the cargo area. It was parked near the top of a hill and moved around as the search teams moved around.

The vehicle had no markings - you wouldn't look twice at it when it was 'packed up' and driving around.

If you take the word 'portable' as meaning 'can be moved around' which is, I suppose, its real meaning then yep, it was a portable repeater. I think most people associate the word 'portable' with TV sets!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:17 pm
by radiohead
Haha Zeb don't doubt yourself! :D

Thanks Gavin, I can't believe they can fit it in a briefcase! Thats tiny! :P

First thing I think of now when I hear portable is a portable scanner :)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:51 am
by stevesperformance
This year they are using ch 44 not 42.Being listening to it for last 2 days.Not really busy,but from tonight i said will very intesting listening.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:04 pm
by pinkbosseslady
Thanks for the help. I have those channels programed into the scanner and now im all set to leave tomororw. It should be a good couple of days

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:20 pm
by Tom

Are you heading down to Dunsborough tomorrow? When will the Police presence finish down there and Margaret River etc??

I was thinking of spending a day down there tomorrow also.

Just saw UQ103 (The one and only Landcruiser) and UQ105 on ch7 News.

Should be some interesting cars down there.



Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:30 pm
by pinkbosseslady
There are 2 weeks of leavers, We are now into the second week so the presence will still be going strong. The place i am staying at is all leavers which is more than 1000 i believe.

According to news reports there are an extra 75 police officers going down so i assume they will have cars to get around or maybe toyota coasters.

I know from a friend that half the mounted section is going down which is about 4 or 8 horses. I will be taking my camera so i should get plenty of photos of different vehicles.

My mates drove down today leaving Perth at around 9:30 and they did not see 1 police car or speed camera the whole journey

I am leaving Perth tomorrow morning props between 5-6am

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:04 pm
by Tom
Have a safe trip Dude.

I'm going down with the missus for the day, just spending it around Bunbury, Busselton and Dunsborough.

Keep an eye out for a silver SV6, Say g'day if you see us.

Was down in Dunsborough about 4 months back and they have a white VZ with the Highway Patrol markings and a standard GD's light-bar on. On the front of tomorrows Sunday Times there is a Rodeo cage thing on page 3.

Saw TM104 for the first time last week also, it's a Toyota Landcruiser P/carrier, quite an old vehicle.

Look forward to seeing your pics and watch out for those 'toolies'.


Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:08 pm
by pinkbosseslady
Ill be in a black VT SS with the old P plates. Doubt there will be many of them there.

I also roll the sunday times for home delivery so ill check that out soon enough. I'll see if i can track down UQ103.


Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:21 pm
by Tom
It's definitely down there was on ch7 News tonight, best looking UQ vehicle by far.

I'll keep an eye out for you and flash you if I see you.
