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Injured Firefighter

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:17 pm
by SmashedXR6T
Injured firefighter negotiates insurance maze

Community Newspaper
By Jaime Shurmer, Comment News

Pamela Story has been to 'hell and back.'

THE only person seriously injured in the Kelmscott bushfires, Pamela Story, has been to hell and back and says she is now in a “smoky limbo” amid a dispute with her insurers.

The Serpentine mother was a volunteer for the Keysbrook Bushfire Brigade for six years before she was run over by a reversing light tanker on a Brookton Highway property on the afternoon of February 6.

Her back was broken, ribs fractured, pelvis crushed, right thigh muscle damaged and her body severely bruised.

She was later taken to Armadale Hospital by ambulance after being spotted by two other local brigades as she faded in and out of consciousness.

“I thought I was going to die,” she said.

“I knew my back was broken because I heard the explosion. I knew enough not to move so just moved my arm.

“I didn’t want to die on that path alone; I didn’t want to die at all.”

Pamela was later taken to Royal Perth Hospital and her recovery has been a very painful one.

“I hurt everywhere. Everything hurt. I had to wear clothes so soft; everything hurt on my skin.”

She still has a back brace to wear when she needs to rest, she has a hot bath twice a day to help ease the pain, requires physiotherapy up to three times a week and has experienced terrible withdrawal symptoms from addictive painkillers as her doses have been progressively reduced.

Pamela can’t sit for an hour without pain.

She still has nightmares and is seeing a counsellor organised by the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.

There is no way to tell if she will make a full recovery.

Pamela relied on a Lynwood couple, old friends Julie and Andy Robert, to take her in and care for her for three months as her daughter was working.

Pamela recently moved to Serpentine to housesit because she could not keep her original rental property.

Financially, she says she is in a difficult situation and is paying for a lawyer to help with her insurance claim. Unemployed at the time of her injury and looking after foster children, Pamela says she was actively looking for work and has received two job offers since her injury.

Pamela hopes intense physiotherapy will help her return to the workplace in three months.

Under the Bushfires Act, Pamela says she is entitled to the weekly earnings of a Level 2 officer at the Department of Conservation but the definition of unemployed is being disputed by the insurance company.

The company is brokered by Local Government Insurance Service for the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.

Pamela wants all shires and councils to watch the outcome of her arbitration case and fears other volunteer firefighters could be caught out.

Peter Ellis and wife Anne own the home Pamela helped save and said they were grateful she was there helping to put out blazes that got as close as the driveway adjacent to the house.

Insurance company Chartis told Comment News it was seeking clarification, through the arbitration process.

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:38 am
by philby
I have contacted Today Tonight about this. Hopefully they shed some light on Pamelas case.
We need to stand together on this and make sure this treatment of vollies doesn't happen again.
No insurance cover, No turn out! Simple.

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:30 pm
by SmashedXR6T
I thought this would have gathered alot of interest from other volunteers... obviously we all think we are all supermans when we donn on the turn out gear!!!

But I am still trying to get my head around how a volunteer fire fighter working to save life and property needs a employment status for when you get injured on a fire ground. Your day to day job got anything to do with it... what was your role when you got injured on the fire ground = A FIRE FIGHTER!

How are volunteer brigades going to find new members now???

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:46 pm
by BuddahFRS
its pretty disturbing that this has happened.

all i know is that i was well looked after when i had my crash while on 'brigade duties' booth by the insurance company and FESA Support services as well as other members from my own brigade and other members from this site and other brigades.

i hope that Pamela has a speedy recovery and this is sorted out quickly.

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:45 am
by kwn
Time for the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale or FESA to step up and fight the fight for her. Why is this not front page news??

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:50 pm
by SmashedXR6T
This time around, Pamela needs help


By Greg Thomson, Community Newspaper Group editor-in-chief

IT is a pretty sad state of affairs when we put obstacles in the way of people trying to do their bit to help each other.

That seems to be the case for injured volunteer firefighter Pamela Story, who is battling one crisis after another after donating her time to her community but being seriously injured in the process.

The Serpentine mum was the only person injured in the bushfire tragedy at Kelmscott when she was accidentally run over by a reversing light tanker as she fought a blaze at a property on Brookton Highway on February 6.

She suffered excruciating, serious injuries including a broken back, fractured ribs, a crushed pelvis and severe muscle damage and bruising. At one point she thought she might die.

As a volunteer for the past six years with Keysbrook Bushfire Brigade, you would think her contribution to the community would be covered by insurance, and if not, officials would be there to help her and her mates in the event they found themselves in trouble.

In Pamela’s case, the fact that she was unemployed and looking for paid work at the time she was injured as a volunteer has cast some doubt over the status of her insurance.

As a result, she has been kicked from pillar to post while the insurer and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale try to resolve the issue.

This has left her feeling pretty miserable, coping with no income, and relying on friends to help her meet the expense of running a home while trying to recover from very painful injuries that may never heal.

In cases like this, surely the community’s needs ought to come first, and shire management and the insurer need to take a sympathetic view to resolve the liability issues, and do it quickly.

We need more unselfish types such as Pamela who put their community first, and their own lives second.

Forcing her to jump through bureaucratic hoops is no way to treat a person who is so willing to help others.

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:37 pm
by Magnus

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:19 pm
by SmashedXR6T
MLA in to bat for injured firey

By Jaime Shurmer, Comment News

DARLING Range MLA Tony Simpson has vowed to help close loopholes in the Bushfires Act if arbitration between injured volunteer firefighter Pamela Story and her insurance company fails.

The pledge followed a recent Comment News report on Ms Story, who was denied insurance by insurers Chartis after her back was broken when she was run over by a light tanker in the Kelmscott bushfire in February.

Chartis is the company brokered by Local Government Insurance Services on behalf of the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.

The Bushfires Act outlines insurance payout entitlements if volunteer firefighters are injured while unemployed but Chartis disputes the term ‘unemployed’ in the Act.

Ms Story now awaits a date for arbitration and fears other unemployed volunteer fire-fighters could be caught out in future.

Mr Simpson said FESA was still investigating the incident and felt this was delaying the insurance process.

“I am disappointed the process is taking so long,” he said.

“If she is denied insurance, I will get stuck into FESA to change the Bushfires Act.”

“It’s important we support volunteers in their work.”

A spokeswoman for Emergency Services Minister Rob Johnson said it would be inappropriate for the minister to interfere in the dispute because it was a matter between the insurers and Ms Story’s legal representatives.

Opposition spokeswoman Margaret Quirk will pursue the matter in Parliament this week and said it was cowardly for Mr Johnson to shirk the issue.

“It seems to be a nightmarish case of red tape,” she said.

“It is an artificial distinction whether someone works as a volunteer for a local government brigade or as a volunteer for a FESA unit. It’s not fair volunteers who work for local governments are being exposed by a technicality.”

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:25 pm
by alexandra
Hi guys. This is pamelas daughter here. i came across this through google. Hope im aloud to post.
Thankyou for your ongoing support for my mother. This ordeal is hellish and so stressful!

Thankyou again from the both of us :oops:

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:31 pm
by Helitak_670
This is where Mr Simpson should try and close the loopholes for any future fire fighters that may get injured touch wood. Irrespective of what the outcome is. The Fire fighters Union should also be getting involved as well. At the end of the day we are all family to one another. You don't join an organisation you join a family which should all stick together.

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:17 pm
by Magnus
alexandra wrote:Hi guys. This is pamelas daughter here. i came across this through google. Hope im aloud to post.
Thankyou for your ongoing support for my mother. This ordeal is hellish and so stressful!

Thankyou again from the both of us

Hi Alexandra,

Welcome to the forum,

We hope that your mother will make a full recovery and the problems will be resolved quickly.
Please keep us up to date on any developments.

There are many Emergency Services volunteers (BFB, VFRS, SES, VMRS) on this board and it is distressing to us all when a fellow volunteer is injured.
Even worse when the volunteer is caught up in a bureaucratic situation like this.
We all need to be confident that we and our fellow volunteers will be looked after in the event of an accident.

All the best to you and your family

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:24 pm
by adelaidecam
Hi All,

I was searching through injured volunteer stories online and read about Pamela and then read some of your posts. It's such an apalling situation and you would think it hard to believe that volunteer firefighters in our so called lucky country could be treated so badly.

Unfortunately what happens in South Australia is not much better. I was injured as a SACFS volunteer on 1st May 2005 whilst helping to save a house at a deliberately lit bushfire around 2am. The alledged offender, a 13yo boy who apparently rang police some 4 hours after to say that he lit it by throwing a sparkler into dry grass in the middle of summer. He got off with a warning....after having a +250kg rock pop out of a cliff and drop 25m onto both my legs whilst mopping up his fire.... I got life!

With over 4.5 of the past 7 years off work, 5 operations, numerous other medical proceedures, one total knee replacement and my other knee to yet to be replaced I've been stuck on Workers Compensation through the SA Fire & Emergency Commission. They administer the SACFS' claims. Act, Regulations, finances, etc.....

I remember being told a few weeks into my claim by my then claims manager, when he got my wages figures wrong that if I didn't like what was going on I shouldn't have volunteered in the first place! Sad, but unfortunatley having been on and off compensation since my accident with them - he was right!

In a meeting with upper management it was happily suggested that if I couldn't work again I could always go the disability pension! Really thoughtful, proactive and caring people especially considering I'm only 42yo. Nice to see a state government department happy to pass it's broken and destroyed volunteer firefighters onto the federal government!

My fulltime paid employer had been threatened with being made partly responsible for the claim if they didn't participate in my return to work program (because I knee arthroscopy nearly 10 years prior with my paid employer!). I have nearly lost my fulltime job once already and am just about to lose it again - and no-one from SACFS or SAFECOM have even attempted to contact or keep my employer informed..... or even try for my latest return to program to be through them. They say that my employer is too hard to deal with! Gee I wonder why after they got threatened for a claim that has nothing to do with them!!!

So far the only people to come to my aid have been my paid employment union the CPSU! They have helped to get me reinstated, have been informing other union people and politicans as to what has happend to me and are fighting for me (this post only covers the tip of the iceberg).

I've been trying to get off Worker Copmpensation for years, been trying to get compensation for a failed personal injury insurance (top up insurance) that a CFS group officer failed to pay after he was directed to pay it by my brigade and he even didn't tell us that he didn't pay it so we only found out we didn't have this small yet extra insurance cover. Yet CFS says it isn't their problem..... but suggest that I take legal action against the volunteer group officer!!! How insane are these people??? How do I pay to even take something like this court even if I wanted to???

I've had years of 80% compensation wage, but that 80% doesn't include superannuation or any overtime and overtime made up around 25% of my REAL wage..... My last surgery was in March this year and I'm still getting bills and chased by medical companies because SAFECOM haven't paid their bills. My future employment is extremely bleak, I'll always need replacement knees and various other medical costs so I can't get away from these people..... Even a recent attempt at a redemption (lump sum payout), there was virtually no communcation and then they withdrew from it all....

I feel deeply for Pamela and I really hope that someone can help her situation now and in the future and ease some of her pain (not all pain is physical). I understand about chronic pain and having your life destroyed and then having to fight for compensation with people who really don't havea vested interest or even care about the injured volunteer. As one of many lawyers I have seen said to me, I would have been better off not volunteering as a firefighter and playing local footy - as these clubs generally have much better insurance!

I thank you for reading this and I wish you all well and I'd appreciate it if would pass this on..... I believe that the more people who know about these horror stories that maybe, just maybe more will be done to protect the people who protect all of us - for free!

Take care,

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:21 am
by Magnus

Re: Injured Firefighter

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:57 pm
by floppy ... d-in-fire/
Two female firefighters are being flown to Perth with severe burns after a fire at Two Peoples Bay near Albany this afternoon.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service is being sent to fly the women to Perth for treatment.
One woman is understood to have burns to 80 per cent of her body and the other woman has burns to 60 to 70 per cent of her body.
Both women are in a critical condition.