So, combining what we collectively know from your post with the channel names and numbers, and the post on the first page with the frequencies, we now have:
BA Alpha - 200 - 467.9875
BA Bravo - 201
BA Charlie - 202
BA Delta - 203
BACO - 204
Command 1 - 205 - 467.7875
Command 2 - 206 - 467.7125
UHF Simplex 1 - 211 - 467.5750
UHF Simplex 2 - 212 - 457.5875
UHF Simplex 3 - 213 - 467.5875
UHF Simplex 4 - 214 - 457.6875
UHF Simplex 5 - 215 - 467.6875
UHF Simplex 6 - 216 - 457.7125
UHF Simplex 7 - 217 - 457.5750
ESA - 218
ESB - 219
ESC - 220
ESD - 221
KIMA - 230
CBD Rpt 1 - 207 - 469.4875
CBD Rpt 2 - 208
Tunnel Int - 209
Tunnel Ext - 210