Love it! I do not understand how anyone can be against it!
Well I can.... but I will keep that to myself
It's not like we actualy get an extra hour of daylight ot anything... just our concept of time changes....
Brilliant... couldn't have said it better myself. Welcome back daylight saving.
And don't get me started on my conspiracy story about the new Lib/Nat government not publicising it's commencement, so as to alienate the public and force a No vote at the referendum .
WARSUG Moderator - Media Section
VBFB Member
No onion, no garlic, no chilli, no pepper... NO POINT!!
auntys_eyes wrote:And don't get me started on my conspiracy story about the new Lib/Nat government not publicising it's commencement, so as to alienate the public and force a No vote at the referendum .
Just been to see a friends band play at the local - he was running late because he forgot the time had changed
I'm not a fan though - wake up in the dark for half the year anyway.
Let's have daylight saving in winter though - that's when I'd appreciate some extra daylight time at the end of the working day!
Chicky wrote:I'm all for it. Nothing better than having some daylight time for myself when the kids are in bed
at least your kids go to bed on time. I dont have any but when i look after my nephew and niece its a nightmare to get them to bed when its still daylight outside lol
truth is stranger than fiction. Its better to tell the truth and accept your destiny than to BS your way through and have a lonely life.
Always RX wrote:Funniest thing Ive heard re: daylight savings was this morning...I pulled into the local Maccas as i always do for my morning coffee and was greeted by a girl on the drive thru speaker, and she says " Im sorry but we arent actually open ....we have to update our systems for daylight savings"....I was like... ... and went next door to BP where it seemed the coffee machine didnt care what time it was.
its the computers and registers, not the coffee machine
every night around 1 - 3am, the manager has to reset the system, which puts it offline for about 15 minutes... its aggrovating, but required. when daylight savings clicks over, we have to do more junk aswell... putting us out for longer
Nathan Fenn
WARSUG Aviation Band & Reviews Moderator
Anything I say is my opinion, and has nothing to do with/does not reflect the views of anyone I was/am/will be involved with/employed by/volunteer for/associated with. There, I think that should cover it!
Nafenn wrote:its the computers and registers, not the coffee machine
And the lifts ...
As well as having a flood this morning, the building's lifts stubbornly stayed on standard time, so wouldn't let anyone up to our floor until 9am instead of 8am
Fun and games
Doug Bell (Zebedee) VK6DB
WARSUG Forum Administrator.
It is very dark.
You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
I recall in the first year, whilst we changed the building management system for the start of daylight saving, noone picked it up for the end of daylight saving and the doors opened an hour early...
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